by Kent Schuette | Apr 16, 2019 | Blog
Brett Ahrens, Bob and Ella’s son, was taken to Anderson Hospital yesterday with chest pains and breathing difficulty. He was then transferred to Barnes Hospital where more tests are being done. It appears that he has an infection in his aorta. Please lift Brett...
by Kent Schuette | Apr 13, 2019 | Blog
Tomorrow Praise Community Fellowship will meet at 11:00am at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville for our Palm Sunday Service. We are a come as you are church. The PCF singers have put together some wonderful songs for this service. Come and be uplifted and blessed! We...
by Kent Schuette | Apr 10, 2019 | Blog
Acts 3:19-21 . Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to...
by Kent Schuette | Apr 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Since we don’t meet today, here is your Sunday thought: How much free will do we really have? Did we choose when we were born? Did we choose our parents? Did we choose our race, our genes, our family or the country we were born in? Do people get to choose when...
by Kent Schuette | Apr 1, 2019 | Blog
Praise Community Fellowship, the church without walls! PCF will have services on April the 14th for Palm Sunday and on April 21st, Easter. Both services will begin at 11:00am. We are making the time a little later so that The Immanuel Methodist family and the PCF...