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Blessed Tuesday

Dear PCF family, this past Sunday I read you a study done about the huge life changing benefits of reading your bible at least 4 days per week. Here is what the study found: (And remember, the study said that these amazing changes did not happen for most people who...

Tomorrow: Root in and Tune in!

Tomorrow’s Sermon Topic: When You’re Feeling Bad You Want Relief! Dear PCF family, a reminder that tomorrow will be a Facebook live, online service only. So don’t come to the church. Stay home, get a coffee, root in and tune in at 10:30am....

Today is the day the Lord has Made…

Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and light for my path! Psalm 119:105 Blessings PCF family, I have a lot to give you today. First I want to remind everyone that this coming Sunday will be an online service only, so as much as I would love to get to church to be...

Good Morning PCF

Well, your pastor has tested positive for COVD. So I will appreciate your prayers for quick healing. I’ll be getting some antiviral drugs today. Just feels like the flu to me but I always test when I feel off so I don’t ever expose anyone unnecessarily. ...