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A Summer Sunday Tomorrow

Dear PCF family, I have some good news, our congregation grew by 1 yesterday. Eric and Jennifer Rinkle had a baby girl, Emerson Betty Rinkle. 7lbs 3oz Easton is now a big brother. Congratulations to the Rinkle family. Tomorrow we gather at 10:30am, the children will...

Tuesday July 9th

On a very happy note, we have an amazing Sunday school program thanks to Robin, Rachel, and Glory. The kids are having a great time learning about Jesus and there is mutual love between our teachers and the kids. I am grateful! Thank you Sunday School department. Good...

Blessed 4th

Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,     the people he chose for his inheritance.” That is only a small part of this Psalm.  Here is the rest in context. Always look at the big picture in scripture Read Psalm 33.    Blessings to all of...

Wednesday July 3, 2024

John 8:36  “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!’ Tomorrow is July 4th, the day the country celebrates its independence from the rule of the British empire which was holding this new young country in bondage to taxes and regulations that...