Monday October 14th

Dear PCF family, here are some update for the week. Don Kruckeberg’s visitation begins this evening at 4:00pm this after noon at Weber funeral home in Edwardsville. The visitation will go until 7:00pm. Tomorrow there will be another visitation at our church,...


Tonight is our annual Lasagna dinner beginning at 5:00pm.  Our mission for this dinner will be Rebuilding Together which is a non profit organization that helps repair and renovate homes for low income senior citizens, veterans, people with disabilities, and families...

Friday October 11th

Jesus was always teaching those who observed Him. Here we see Jesus touching, loving, and healing the leper. Dear PCF family Don Kruckeberg went to be with Jesus Wednesday evening. Here are his Funeral arrangements: Monday evening visitation at Weber Rodney funeral...

Friday October 4th

Dear PCF family, this coming Sunday will be a communion Sunday and we are going to have a very encouraging message. Plan on joining your church family this Sunday at 10:30am. If you want to prepare for this Sunday’s message read 1 Corinthians chapters 12, 13,...

Wednesday, October 2nd

Good morning PCF family, understanding God’s grace is vital to your growth as a Christian. God’s grace is a free gift, often described with terms like “undeserved” or “unmerited favor.” God doesn’t count our successes or failures to determine who...