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About a month ago I ran into an acquaintance, Brent Bates, at the grocery store. It was one of those embarrassing moments for me because he came up to me and I knew that I knew him but I couldn’t remember his name or how I knew him. So i just fessed up and said sorry but you are going to have to remind me. Well it turns out he has a daughter with disabilities and he knew about my son Ben so he began sharing a story of how he was trying to find a place for his daughter to live. Of course I shared my attachment to Beverly Farm and after a fairly long grocery store chat we both went our way. Fast forward to today and again I run into Brent at the grocery store but this time the conversation became very serious very fast. Brent told me he took his daughter Amanda for a visit to Beverly Farm and she loved it! Brent was excited for her and all was looking good. However, Amanda has come down with a life threatening infection just this past week and the doctors have told Brent that there is really nothing else they can do for her. She is now in hospice and she is only in her 20’s. Thursday is her birthday! She told Brent before she got sick that she always dreamed of living on a farm with horses. Beverly farm has horses.  So prayer warriors could you all say an extra prayer for Amanda today. We all need prayer and there are people on our prayer list who need your prayer. I just wanted to get a little extra boost for Amanda.  Life changes so quickly. Make love your number one priority everyday because Jesus taught us that to love our neighbor as ourselves is fulfilling all the law and all the prophets. Thank you. Sincerely, Kent


Sally  McLauchlan is asking for you help! We need a few more volunteers for the coffee/donuts duty on the Sunday PCF leads service. If you could help out with this ministry once in a while please call Sally at 618-978-3490.

Our Prayer List

  • Amanda Bates, God’s healing.
  • Stan Rutkowski, Stan has had a setback and needs God’s healing touch and strength. He had a fall and has injured his pressure wounds. He is in a lot of pain.
  • Pastor Jackie, Pastor Jackie will be having surgery to remove skin cancer from her scalp on January 29th. Prayers for complete healing and rapid recovery.
  • Gladys Wilkening, Joyce Koenig’s mother received news that her cancer has returned. We lift Gladys and her family to Gods healing grace and peace.
  • Trevor Rallo, who has had one surgery on his brain stem is in need of more treatments. Trevor is 19 and needs Gods healing touch.
  • Chris Peterson Olden, Butch and Sandy Peterson’s daughter has been diagnosed with colon cancer. We lift Chris in prayers of God’s healing touch.
  • Emily Norris, Will and Donna Bower’s daughter, continued prayers of healing from cancer.
  • Cathy Watson continued strength and healing from her cancer treatments.
  • Linda Cassens continued healing and strength during her cancer treatments.
  • Sharon Koenig continued healing from her surgery.
  • Leland Knapp, healing for severe back pain. He is seeing a neurologist and is having more tests. He will have surgery on his left leg January 10th.
  • Mary Knapp, Gods healing for her eyes and God’s peace.
  • James and Fenada Price, Mary Knapp’s brother ad sister in law both in their mid 80’s struggling with health issues. God’s peace.

Love, pastor Kent