Apart from me you can do nothing, is a statement that could be taken as very conceded and patronizing until you realize that these were Jesus’ words to His disciples. These words are found in the context of the following bible verse: John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. These words are spiritual words that affect our physical self. The fruit he speaks of are the fruits of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
When we immerse ourselves and stay connected to the teachings of Jesus, we are receiving the power necessary to bear the fruit of the Spirit. When we are not connected to Jesus, bearing fruit of the spirit will be impossible. Jesus told his disciples these words when his time to die on a cross was near. Jesus feared that after he left them they would be easily persuaded to go back to the Jewish Law and religious traditions that they had all grown up in. Jesus knew that after he left them they would be facing a harsh world full of people seeking “a better truth” a truth outside of His teachings. Satan is the mastermind behind these distractions and even the disciples of Jesus were not immune. So Jesus is preparing them for the battle they would soon be facing, the worlds way verses Jesus’ way. Isn’t that exactly what we all still face daily? Stay connected to the true vine where spiritual strength and nourishment flows. Stay connected to the power of Jesus!
Here is our updated prayer List:
- Jean Stoff, Jim Ebersoldt’s sister has had open heart surgery and is at Missouri Baptist hospital in St Louis. Jean is 87 but is struggling since the surgery. Please lift Jean and Jim and Sue and Neil Ebersoldt in prayer. We ask for Gods strength, healing grace and peace.
- Lois Kruckeberg is in the hospital after a fall and needs the healing touch of Jesus.
- Don Kruckeberg is in pain from back surgeries and hip and knee deterioration. We pray for both Lois and Don for Gods healing touch and comfort.
- Peggy Johnson, Cathy Watson’s sister had a stroke this past weekend and is Barnes Hospital. She has been moved to rehab and needs Gods healing and strength.
- Cory Heuchert and 2 other EMT’s from Edwardsville were hurt in an accident this past weekend when a car hit the ambulance they were in while transporting a patient to the hospital. The EMT’s suffered broken ribs and other fractures along with severe bruising and other injuries. We pray for Gods healing grace on three of these three young men.
- Marcie LaBanca, Donna Bowers relative, is a 41 year old diagnosed with a brain tumor and has since had a stroke we pray for Gods healing and strength.
- Laurie Frey as she continues to build her strength and recover from her surgery.
- MaryAnn Williams as she adjusts to life after the passing of Walt.
- Faye Heuchert Fas she continues to recover from her brain surgery.
- Snookie Burns, Bonni’s mom as she continues her cancer treatments for breast cancer.
- Lane Kaburick, recovery from his leg injury.
- Pete Fornof asking for Gods peace and strength.
- I will be back with you all soon. Love, pastor kent . Praise Community Fellowship church. The church with no walls. www.praisecommunityfellowship.com