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Blessed 4th

Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,     the people he chose for his inheritance.” That is only a small part of this Psalm.  Here is the rest in context. Always look at the big picture in scripture Read Psalm 33.    Blessings to all of...

Wednesday July 3, 2024

John 8:36  “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!’ Tomorrow is July 4th, the day the country celebrates its independence from the rule of the British empire which was holding this new young country in bondage to taxes and regulations that...

It’s almost Sunday!

Dear PCF family, good morning on this day that the Lord has made. Are you busy with many plans? Getting ready for the big 4th of July celebration? BBQ? Going to friends or friends coming to your house? The busyness of life, some of it is wonderful, some of it is hard,...

Tomorrow is Sunday!

Dear PCF family, it’s supposed to be beautiful tomorrow at church time, 10:30am. But regardless of the weather it is always going to be beautiful and fruitful to hear God’s word and worship together. Know of anyone who needs a blessing in their life?...

Blessed Thursday Morning, First day of Summer!

Dear PCF family, Bonni and I are back in town and we are looking forward to this coming Sunday. I want to thank Dave Schaake and Tom Gain for stepping in and serving this past Sunday, it looked like a wonderful joyful service. It is such a blessing to be with the...