Brett and Savanah are at the hospital and it’s getting close! We will have a new PCF member by the end of the day. Baby Cooper.
The entire bible is a book about restoration. God wanting to restore our relationship with Him and everything we lost in the fall. That means restored Life, Health, Joy, Peace, and Love. The whole season of Advent is anticipating this restoration. The key to allowing this restoration to begin in your life is participation!
The more you participate in this process of restoration the more Joy, Peace, and Love you will experience. You participate in the process by reading your bible, prayer, seeking God’s truth, and stepping out in faith practicing what Jesus taught. You must put Jesus’ teachings into practice to see the miracles!
I want the people of God to demonstrate through their lives the Love, Joy, and Peace that Jesus spoke of, the Kingdom of Heaven here and now. I think one of the most important things you can do in your participation is to be willing to open your mind to others ideas. I did this years ago when I began questioning things that I did not understand in the church like why only members of the council could serve communion and why I got in trouble by the council once because I didn’t wear a suit to serve communion. Yes this actually happened. So I began reading and reading book after book and soon I began uncovering all kinds of crazy things that we humans have come up with when it comes to the things of God. We are all stuck in many ways with what we have been taught. But when it came to the things of God I was discovering that some of what we have been taught was just man made silliness. When you start understanding and participating in Jesus’ teachings it is life altering. That is why I say, “Don’t get lost in your religion!” Listen to a variety of pastors but don’t take what any of us say as “The Gospel Truth.” It might be, but it might not be. Go to God, ask Him for the Holy Spirit to reveal what is being said to YOU when you read a passage of scripture. Do google searches and read different theologians interpretations of passages. To me seeking God’s truth is not only the most important thing in my life but it is also extremely rewarding. So when you attend PCF services what I try to do is give you compelling stories and words that I hope will excite you enough to go explore the teachings of Jesus and the bible much deeper on your own. We can all learn from one another. Let’s grow together and challenge one another to deeper and deeper understanding of God’s truth! Amen.
This Sunday is the catered chicken dinner following our service. Dinner will be at about noon. We are expecting a large turn out of about 86-90 people. I hope you all will engage in some wonderful conversations during this time of fellowship. I would encourage you to find someone who you do not know that well and sit by them during this meal and learn more about one another. Remember, “You will know my disciples by their love for one another!” John 13:35
If you would be willing to help out with clean up after the dinner let me know! See you Sunday
Love, pastor kent . 618-334-3575.