Tomorrow, IUMC will be meeting at church at the usual time, 8:45am and have a short service because they will again be going out to cook and serve breakfast for their SAKS families. All are welcome to get involved.
PCF will be back to lead worship on July 29th! I am looking forward to seeing everyone again as we will be getting back to a more normal routine this fall. I have been reading and studying my bible daily and have some wonderful messages to share with you soon. In the mean time if you want to know God personally and be in His circle of blessing do the following:
1.) Read your bible everyday, take notes and keep a notebook of your thoughts as your read. I have found that many times this is God’s spirit speaking to you.
2.) Pray everyday for guidance and for the filling of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to help you understand His words and to know the voice of His Spirit.
3.) Become very watchful of what you are allowing into your eyes and your ears. Remember, you are the Holy Temple of the Holy Spirit. You will not be able to hear him clearly of you continue to grieve the spirit with sin.
4.) Be very mindful of where your crowd is leading you. Throughout the old testament God warned his people not to get involved with pagans who He knew would lead them away from Him. Today is no different. We are to be Jesus’ light to the world. Don’t get caught up in a stream that looks peaceful and fun only to find out too late that it ends up turning into a deadly waterfall. Be proud to be a follower of Jesus instead of a follower of the world. Take your crowd to Jesus! That is the best possible friend you can be to anyone!
See you soon! Love, pastor Kent