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What does it mean to become a disciple of Jesus? It is when you choose, after very careful consideration of the demands and the cost and the commitment involved, to make Jesus the King of your life. You give Him complete authority over your decisions and you make a commitment to learn His teachings and then choose to live a life of humility, forgiveness, peace, and generosity. You also are to become an active promoter of the Christian way of life. In other words you agree to go out into the world and spread the good news of Jesus! You agree to bring others into the Christian family. That is the goal of discipleship. When I read the New Testament it is clear to me that making disciples is the church’s number one priority and responsibility! That is my number one goal for those who become part of the Praise Community Fellowship Family.

If you have been missing the past three or four sermons I hope you will catch up and listen to them online here. I have been doing a series on the importance of discipleship and what we are committing to as we move toward being better disciples.

Once you understand the importance of discipleship, your life will become empowered with the supernatural power of God and that is when life changing miracles will start happening. Yes, I am praying for a larger choir and a regular Sunday attendance of 125 people because I want to have more disciples sharing the Good News in this broken, fearful, angry world.

John 13:35    If you love each other, all men will know you are My followers.

Hope to see you this Sunday at 10:30am at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville in the Immanuel Methodist Church.

Love, pastor Kent