If you have gifts for the Beverly farm residents here are some options that would help us get the gifts to the residents on time. Tomorrow evening the PCF choir will be rehearsing starting at 7:30pm. If you could bring the gifts to the church then, Lori and Krista can take them to Beverly Farm. If you do not have your gifts ready yet, we will also be rehearsing next Thursday at 7:30pm at the church and you could bring them by then. We need them before our December 23rd service so if neither of those options works for you, call me or Sally and one of us will come and pick them up from you.
Kent’s cell 618-334-3575 . Sally’s cell 618-978-3490
Thank you for being so generous to our Beverly farm family! We hope to see everyone at our special December 23rd Christmas service at 10:30am. This will be a communion service and we will be having special music. See you then. Love, pastor kent