Praise Community Fellowship Blog
Obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him!
Ben Schuette's prom at Beverly Farm Dear PCF family and friends, I just got home from Choir rehearsal and what an inspiring evening. Bonni is out of town and we were missing 5 of our singers but everyone stepped up and it was wonderful. What an amazing group of...
What will be Your Legacy?
A Legacy is something that is transferred or passed on to others. You are in the process of creating a Legacy every day you are alive. Everyone leaves a legacy of some kind. An inheritance is different than a Legacy. An Inheritance is something tangible you give to...
It may be chilly outside, but it will be warm in church tomorrow morning!
God wants to speak to us! He wants to help us, guide us, give us direction and hope, but it is up to us to come into His presence. Come join us tomorrow morning as we come into His presence together as a church family. Discover the Joy of being in His presence. Our...
Happy Blessed Wednesday
Some things to think about today; God has a great purpose for your life no matter what stage of life you find yourself. Here is a truth worth thinking about, "God will show you His will for your life "IF" you really want to know His will for your life! Knowing Jesus...
There’s Church Tomorrow !
IMG_2936 Click the link above and you can see Al Kaburick tilling up my yard so I can plant more flowers! I know everyone is probably wondering why you haven't received the blog until now. I have been planting flowers all week. But I am certainly looking forward to...
He’s in a tomb but not for long….
His friends and family were in the depths of despair as He lay in a borrowed tomb, but tomorrow would bring a new joy, a joy that could fill generations of people who come to the great banquet. Tomorrow represents the ultimate celebration for Christians throughout...
What He endured before the Glory!
Hebrews 12:1-2 12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and...
This Coming Sunday, April 2nd 2023
God has taught bees how to live successfully and survive. They work diligently in a community glorifying him in all they do. The flowers they draw their nourishment from also glorify God in their splendor. Only man has trouble glorifying God. We get very confused as...
This Sunday, March 26th
Dear PCF family and friends, we are on Resurrection Sunday count down. I invite all to come join us as we approach this years resurrection celebration. This is the perfect time to recommit yourself to Jesus and the Christian way of life. What the World Needs Now: We...
What a Service! Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow!
Blessings PCF family and friends. We had a wonderful service of worship yesterday. More new faces, the powerful music, thank you Tom Gain you are going to be a great addition to the worship team, and thank you PCF family for being so joyful and wonderful. There are...