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Praise Community Fellowship Blog

Getting ready for This Sunday

This Sunday I will be telling a great classic bible story with deep meaning for all of us today. This will be a great Sunday to invite young people who need to hear God's promises. God is looking for young people to bless and encourage and do great things in this...

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African Vision pf Hope Help request

I got the following message from Judi Bertels last night: We are in desperate need of some Volunteers on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week to prepare and load containers. Do you know anyone who can lend a hand to help get out items loaded for the kids and the...

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Hallelujah, there is Church Tomorrow Morning!

Dear PCF family and friends, Bonni and I are back home and we are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning at 9:00am, Esic Church, 1000 Esic Drive, Edwardsville. Tomorrow is 9/12.....20 years ago it was the day Americans realized just how much we actually...

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See You This Coming Sunday!

Bonni and I are in Florida but I'm looking forward to this Sunday, Sept. 12th  to be back with everyone at 9:00am Esic Church. I love the ocean, the sky, the sunsets, the beach and being with the family but I do miss church. The world needs the church now more than...

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Truth with Love and Compassion!

As I read the stories of Jesus there is something that stands out to me as a trait that much of the world lacks, including Christians. That trait is being able to communicate "TRUTH" with love and compassion. And by truth I am talking about God's truth found in the...

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Tomorrow’s Service

The power of intercessory Prayer! Tomorrow at 9:00am PCF will gather at Esic Church located at 1000 Esic Drive Edwardsville. The PCF Choir will lead us in Praise and Worship. Come learn of a secret weapon given to all followers of Jesus. It is a weapon not of this...

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Be Set Apart!

There is something very consistent throughout the bible, God's ways are not popular with most of society. They never have been. It appears to me that Christian values insult the world and there is a reason for this. It is explained in the following passage from the...

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Sometimes Life Seems Overwhelming

Preparing lesson For Tomorrow's Service What Does the Bible Say about????    How do we know what it really means???  The world seems like it is falling apart, what do we do???  Sometimes life seems overwhelming. As a follower of Jesus I can promise you, "There is...

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For My Birthday This Year!

You see this often on Facebook, "For my birthday this year I would like to raise money for......  And I think this is a great way for people to help out their favorite organizations. But I want to ask everyone for a different consideration for my 65th birthday. Here...

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We have the Cure for the World’s Deadliest Disease!

Dear PCF friends and family I really hope to see all of you this Sunday at 9:00am at Esic Church! We are going to have an amazing service with awesome worship music from our choir and we will be going to the bible for some deep teaching. We have the Cure and the Good...

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