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Praise Community Fellowship Blog

Here is what is coming up at PCF

Here is what is coming up at PCF

This Summer, make it a priority to get to know God better! Walk through this summer with the creator of the universe!  Let the blessings flow! This Sunday,May 20th,  pastor Jackie and the IUMC will be leading worship.  The following Sunday pastor Kent and PCF will be...

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Give Him Your Problem

Give Him Your Problem

No matter what you are facing, give it to Jesus and trust Him. There is no better solution! Once you give Jesus your burdens, turn loose of them and let Him take control. There is peace in trusting Jesus. We all have things that we must do every day, obligations,...

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There are No Secrets!

There are No Secrets!

Today a thought came to mind from the Holy Spirit, "There are No Secrets Kent!"  God knows everything you think, say and do whether anyone else knows or not. Someday we will all stand before God and everything will be revealed, every motive, every thought, every deed,...

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Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come

Lord, I ask that you reveal yourself tomorrow at our service. I pray that those who need to know you and need your divine intervention in their life or the lives of their loved ones will receive your holy touch. Thank you Jesus! See you tomorrow at 8:45am at 800 North...

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What is Going On?

What is Going On?

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship at 8:45am. In this world you will have days that are good, days that are not so good, you will meet people who are struggling, you will meet people who are blessed, and everyday you will have the opportunity to get closer to...

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This Sunday

Matthew 19:14 14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship this Sunday at 8:45am. There will be some new songs from the praise team...

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Who would you like to Hear From?

A long lost relative? Someone from a company where you applied for a job? Maybe it would be from the admissions department of a college or from a publisher where you submitted a manuscript? What if you could hear from the creator of everything?  Now that would be...

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How Are you Using Your Tools?

Our eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet arms and legs, and our mind are all tools God has given us. When we become born again and we allow Jesus to have the keys to our house, all of these tools become instruments of worship and of service. What  I have found is that I am...

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Emergency Prayer request

Lori Rodgers husband Mike, who just had back surgery, fell this morning and broke his hip. He is at the Alton memorial hospital ER as I am writing this!  Asking for Gods healing and peace for Mike and Lori. I'll keep you posted. Love, kent

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This Sunday

God knows who I am and Loves me anyway!  It is very difficult to grasp the depth of God's love for humanity but when you finally do, your whole concept of God and religion will change. 1 Peter 2:6   For in Scripture it says:  “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and...

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