This Sunday, August 18th, Praise Community Fellowship will have “Church in the Park” at 9:00am! This informal service is open to all.
Todays thoughts: Man cannot solve the many problems we are facing today. If we could, our problems would have been solved by now. We are in need of a supernatural solution that is outside of our abilities. We need a supernatural intervention to come into our brokenness. We need an internal makeover that will change our hearts and our thinking so it will affect the way we interact with one another. We need a renewal of heart and mind that can only come from God Himself. Paul makes an interesting sequence of instructions for the believers. He says, Preaching leads to Hearing. Hearing leads to Believing and Believing leads to Calling on the name of the Lord. In this, it is interesting to note that believing is not the climax of faith. Real living faith, life changing faith, is when we naturally begin “Calling out to Jesus with all of ones heart and soul!” That is when we know that our faith has matured into life changing faith. When we automatically Go to Him in prayer as soon as we face a problem! Mature faith runs to Jesus not our friends, not Dr Phil, not alcohol pr drugs, not the television or facebook, but prayer. Powerful prayer is when we cry out to God because we know that we cannot get through or solve our own problems. Mature faith is realizing that we cannot get through this life without God’s wisdom, God’s guidance, his compassion, love and peace. And the ONLY way to receive those gifts is by crying out to him with all our heart and soul. That is what the church is missing today. In Matthew 21:13 Jesus says, “My house will be called a house of prayer!” But today church spends very little time in prayer. We prefer to hear good music and good preaching. Both are good and necessary, but life changing power comes from calling on our Lord Jesus!
- Do you want to have miracles in your life?
- Do you need peace in your life?
- Do you need wisdom about problems you are facing?
Prayer is the tool that God gave mankind to access these powers! But what amplifies this tool is when Gods people come together and pray together as a family of believers. That is when a church becomes a life changing, living, powerful force.
Our missions are diverse and include:
- African Vision of Hope which is helping children in Zambia with meals, housing education and the Gospel of Jesus.
- Beverly Farm, a home for approximately 380 mentally challenged adults located in Godfrey Illinois.
- Edwardsville Neighbors a local organization which helps families in need in the district 7 school district.
- Twigs Lunch and weekend backpack program.
- We also have numerous other programs we donate to from time to time.
Praise Community Fellowship is a non-denominational church that is 100% volunteer. We have no paid staff and use our offerings to help others. We call it a church with No Walls! We just completed a Free Shoe gift certificate program for local children in district 7. We were able to help 66 families buy new shoes for their children for their first day of school.
I hope you can join us this Sunday at 9:00am at Glik park! See you soon. Love, pastor kent