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Bonni and I have been in Florida filming one of the new Shriners Hospital ambassadors. I had a couple of hours to kill one day during the shoot so I took a drive to a beach. Before I got out of the car I said a prayer asking God to show me who he wanted me to talk with that day. I walked along the beach and was enjoying the sunshine when I came across a woman who had her small son in a special harness. Her son reminded me of my son Ben when he was little so I introduced myself and asked her about her son. Here is where it gets interesting. During our conversation she mentioned that she wished she could go to Shriners Hospital with her son but didn’t know if she could since she didn’t know any Shriners. That’s when I said to her, “Now I know why God sent me here today, because I am here filming a project with Shriners Hospital!” I got her information and told her I would get her the contact information she needed to make an appointment.

God answers prayers where He can be glorified. Pray, and then watch and become aware. You will be amazed at all the coincidences that will begin happening in your life. The more you experience God, the more you will know that you can go to Him and receive answers to your prayers.

This Sunday  Darla McFadden . We are looking forward to hosting Darla this Sunday, March 18th, at both the 8:45 am and the 10:45 am worship services.  Darla’s experiences have led her to develop a ministry that is heartfelt and sincere.  Her ability to speak to the broken spirit and understand their pain is a gift she shares from her heart.  In her 26 years of ministry, Darla has pursued her calling all over the United States.  Her latest project, Hope, is packed with life changing lyrics and has secured Darla’s position in the industry.  Her innocent, soothing vocal approach is winning the hearts of fans across the country.  Her testimony reminds us all that God will bring us through the toughest of life’s experiences to become a living example of His peace and love.  Please visit to see a short video about Darla’s ministry.  We hope you will join us this Sunday and bring a friend!

Announcements:  The Mission Garden at St. John’s United Methodist Church in Edwardsville is in its 7th year of providing healthy fresh vegetables to food pantries and soup kitchens in the Edwardsville area, including our own Free Lunch Friday.  Last year they harvested over 11 tons of vegetables!  But they are now in need of some help.  The garden is losing three “regulars” who are moving out of the area and they are faced with the decision of whether to scale back the operation or whether to continue at all.  They rely on volunteers who are passionate about making a difference for the hungry in our community.  They pick vegetables 4 days a week and box them up for transport to various pantries.  They are in need of planters, pickers, drivers, weeders, individuals, groups, and kids.  If you have some time to devote, you can email or call St. John’s at 618-656-1853.  They plan to make a decision on the fate of the garden this week, so please respond asap if you would like to volunteer.

Candy Donations Needed . Our children’s Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Palm Sunday, March 25.  Please bring your individually wrapped candy donations to church this Sunday so they can be used to stuff the Easter Eggs.  Thanks so much!

Easter Lilies . If you would like to purchase an Easter Lily to be placed in our altar area on Easter morning, please respond to this e-mail or sign the list in the Hospitality Room by this Sunday.  Lilies will cost $9.50 and checks should be made payable to Immanuel UMC with “Easter Lily” on the memo line.  You may place the lilies in honor of, or in memory of a loved one by giving that information to the secretary.

Holy Week Schedule

          Palm Sunday, March 25 we will have ONE WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:00 am.  Worship will include the Sunday School children’s  Easter Presentation.  Following worship, the children will be invited to hunt Easter Eggs, while everyone else will be invited to the lower level for a finger-food brunch.  We are still in need of donations for this brunch.  Sign up on the sheet in the Hospitality Room this Sunday.

Maundy Thursday, March 29 – We will remember the night that Jesus shared his last Supper with his disciples with a service beginning at 7:00 pm in the Journey’s Inn Room.

Good Friday, March 30 – You are invited to the sanctuary anytime between 6:30 and 8:00 pm for Stations of the Cross, a way to remember Jesus on the day of His crucifixion.  As you travel from image to image, you can pray and reflect on the suffering and insults that Jesus endured during His passion.

Easter Sunday, April 1 – Share the good news that “Christ has risen!”

    6:30 am  Sunrise Service in the Prayer Garden (weather permitting).  Bring your lawn chairs.

  8:45 am  Contemporary worship led by Praise Community Fellowship and Pastor Kent Schuette

10:45 am  Traditional Resurrection Celebration led by Immanuel UMC and Pastor Jackie Havis-Shear

See you soon. Love, pastor kent