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Dear PCF family, let’s catch up on some news.

  • Richard Sparks has had his surgery to remove the cancerous spot from his nose. It was a 5 1/2 hour surgery on Wednesday at SLU hospital in St Louis. He is back at the care center recovering.
  • You will still need to enter from route 157 when coming to the church due to the construction.

When I look at the news of wars and rumors of wars, school shootings, political battles and unrest in so many ways it can be very discouraging.  I’m sure there are many causes to our world problems but I do believe one of the major causes is that people do not know who they really are, or where they came from, or their true purpose in this life. Your true purpose is to Glorify God but you cannot Glorify God if you have no idea who He is and why He created you. You cannot and will not Glorify God if you do not believe that He even exists. We live in a world where God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit mean nothing to millions of people. Thus enter the mission of the church. The bible says:

 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

All believers are called to be bearers of the Good News!  And bringing the Good News to someone new at church doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to preach to them but it does require us to demonstrate the love of Jesus to those we come across. PCF family, be the good news to all those who enter your life and our church by being filled with kindness, love, and compassion.


  • John Peduzzi, Anne Ford’s friend needs eye surgery on his retina’s.
  • Ann Beatty, Ann is doing better with her torn ligaments. She was at Choir this past week and it was good to see her feeling better.
  • Betsy and Ross Kelleher for continued healing for the both of them.
  • Rich Sparks. Rich is recovering from his cancer surgery on Wednesday.
    • Fred Stein, Fred is Bonnie Rutkowski’s good friend and he is in the ICU, please lift Fred to God’s healing power.
    • Mary Knapp, Mary has had her surgery and is home recovering. She will be having another procedure for her back in the future.
    • Guidance for the future of our church.
    • Tom Gain’s friend Ross Besch needs prayers that he will be able to walk again.
    • Alberta Ringering, Diane Rinkle’s mother is back home! We will continue to lift her in prayer.
    • Guy Schmidt, Guy is having treatments for severe back pain, please lift Guy to God’s healing hands.
    • Nadeen Schuette is continuing with her new chemo treatments for liver cancer.
    • Jane Hyten who is in late stage MSA asking for God’s peace
    • Dustin Bilderback’s sister who is in treatment for cancer
    • Brody Sedlacek, 8 year old in cancer treatment

    God we lift all these people on our prayer list to you because you are the perfect healer. We ask that you open their hearts to your word, your truth, your love and your ability to change things in their lives, and for this we praise you!

    Praise Community Fellowship is a very Joyful, Prayerful church! We meet Sunday mornings at 10:30am at the Esic Worship Center located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville near the old YMCA . We believe in teaching all of God’s truth with love and compassion. PCF is a 100% volunteer church. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family. We have a Sunday school program and a nursery for the little ones. If you have questions call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575 or our board president Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510.