No matter what you are facing, give it to Jesus and trust Him. There is no better solution! Once you give Jesus your burdens, turn loose of them and let Him take control. There is peace in trusting Jesus. We all have things that we must do every day, obligations, duties, careers, family, friends, etc. But on top of all that, many people are carrying very heavy burdens like health issues, relational issues, financial issues, fears…. Make Jesus your go to for everything and know that as long as you are letting Him have control, you are walking with the absolute best solution.
This Sunday pastor Jackie will be leading worship for Mothers Day.
PCF is looking for sponsors for our TWIGS summer lunch program. We are in need of approx. $4,000 to cover all the costs of providing about 3000 lunches. Please call me Kent at 618-334-3575 or Gary Watson 409-781-6510 if you would like to help sponsor this ministry. Thank you.
Prayers Needed
Linda Cassens Linda has been battling bladder cancer and continues treatments. Bonni and I were with Linda this past week and she has a great attitude and trusts in God. We lift her in prayer for healing and Gods peace.
Pete Fornof. Pete is dealing with a very rare form of cancer and will be starting treatments and possible surgery. Pete needs our prayers for healing and God’s peace.
Ken Bastholm . Ken is still in the hospital and is recovering from a heart attack and a stroke. Prayers for healing and Gods peace for Ken and Emily and her brother.
Mary and Leland Knapp need continues prayers for strength and God’s healing.
Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer and recovers from the surgeries.
Continued prayers and praises for Jennifer Kaburik and Cathy Watson.
Kent, I am going to add myself to the list for my irregular heartbeat. Thank you.
May the power of the Holy Spirit fill your life!
See you soon! Love pastor kent