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This Summer, make it a priority to get to know God better! Walk through this summer with the creator of the universe!  Let the blessings flow!

This Sunday,May 20th,  pastor Jackie and the IUMC will be leading worship.  The following Sunday pastor Kent and PCF will be leading worship at Glik Park weather permitting. This will be our first park gathering this year and it is a wonderful time to invite family and friends to hear about Jesus in a non church setting.

Family Movie Night. This Friday, May 18th at 7:00pm Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist is hosting a FREE family movie night in the sanctuary. The movie will will be Facing Giants. All movies on Family Movie nights are free and open to the public and there will be snacks provided. These movies are excellent ways to have people meet Jesus in a very relaxed setting. Free Movie this Friday at 7:00pm located at 800 North main Street, Edwardsville at Immanuel United Methodist Church.

Still seeking donations for the TWIGS summer lunch program and for volunteers. Please call Gary Watson or Faye Heuchert if you feel led to help with this summer program. Gary 409-781-6510 . or Faye 618-444-5650.

Blessings to Matt Conway. Matt will be taking a new position at a church in Belleville beginning July 1. We wish Matt well and thank hom for his talents that he has shared these past couple of years.

Pastor Kent will be filling in at Esic Baptist from time to time this summer. Schedule to be announced.


Linda Cassens  Linda has been battling bladder cancer and continues treatments. We lift Linda in prayer for healing and Gods peace.

Pete Fornof. Pete is dealing with a very rare form of cancer and will be starting treatments and possible surgery. Pete needs our prayers for healing and God’s peace.

Ken Bastholm . Ken is still in the hospital and is recovering from a heart attack and a stroke. Prayers for healing and Gods peace for Ken and Emily and her brother.

Mary and Leland Knapp need continues prayers for strength and God’s healing.

Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer and recovers from the surgeries.

Continued prayers and praises for Jennifer Kaburik and Cathy Watson. 

Prayers for the music ministry that God will provide the right person or persons to come into our fellowship to help us worship the Lord with great music.

Kent, I’ve been having more good days than bad days regarding my irregular heart beat. Thank you for your prayers!

See you at the park on May 27th! Love, pastor kent