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This is the million dollar question for many Christians. How do I know if I am fulfilling God’s purpose for my life? I have asked this many times in my life. After years of seeking, studying, praying, let me give you what I think is a solid answer to that question. You are fulfilling God’s purpose when you decide to be a Believer in Jesus and start following His teachings. Too often the answer I think most of us want is a specific job, a specific duty, a specific mission. That may come, but you will never know unless you become a serious student and follower of Jesus and His teachings. As soon as you commit to becoming a true disciple, (one who does the word of God) you are in the will of God. It is at that point that God can begin using your life to expand His Kingdom. Are there exceptions? I’m sure there probably are because God is God and He can use anyone anywhere to fulfill His purpose, but committing to discipleship is the biggest and most important step for most of us. It is a journey when you commit to Jesus because you are building a relationship and trusting caring relationships take time.

So if you are like many Christians who have been wondering if you are fulfilling God’s purpose in your life, just do this quick assessment:

  1. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
  2. Are you reading and studying the bible so you know what Jesus has commanded you to do?
  3. Are you applying Jesus’ teachings to your daily life?

If you have answered yes to these 3 questions, you are fulfilling God’s purpose in your life. You are in full discipleship and when God has a special assignment for you, you will know. In the mean time, continue to read your bible, pray, and do what the Holy Spirit prompts you to do each and every day!  If you have answered no to one or more of questions above, you can begin fulfilling your Godly purpose by doing whatever it takes to make all three answers yes.

The world needs followers of Jesus. We become followers when we begin implementing His teachings into our daily life!  Love, pastor Kent


Richard and Cathy Chestnutt, This is Ella Ahrens brother and sister-in-law and they both have COVID. They are both struggling with fever, cough and weakness. Let’s lift them up to God’s healing grace.

Mike Rodgers, Lori’s husband is still in need of our healing prayers. He is still waiting to get his last stint procedure which is due now on October 21st.

Cooper Halbe, Kent and Bonni’s grandson. Cooper is 10 months old and will be at children’s hospital for surgery to remove a lump on his skull this Friday. Please lift Cooper and Savanah and Brett to God’s [eace and his healing grace.

The workers at Beverly Farm and the residents, that God will provide protection and wisdom and His peace and Joy for all those who live and work there.

The leaders of our country, Pray for God’s wisdom and power and the Holy Spirit to direct and lead all those who are serving to lead this country.

Praise Community Fellowship, the Church with No Walls!