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Here is a news flash, we all wander away from God now and then. I don’t care who you are, all of us find ourselves at crossroads with decisions, with thoughts, and with actions that will take us away from God. Here is a certain telltale sign that you are heading down a path away from God and His blessings, When you are no longer interested in reading His word. You are no longer interested in praying, or you avoid being around someone who wants to talk about God and pray with you.

  • If you are struggling with belief, go to Jesus and pour it out to HIm. He understands you are being deceived.
  • If you are angry about life, go to Jesus and tell Him like it is and then listen and watch.
  • If you are fed up with religion, good, so is Jesus!
  • If you are completely lost and have no clue what to do next, go to Jesus and pour it out and then wait, watch, and listen.

It doesn’t matter the sin, the struggle, the frustration, or the fear, run to Jesus. You can tell Him anything and everything. He is waiting for you to open the door so he can come in and begin healing you. The problem with most of us is that we suffer from self sufficiency syndrome. This syndrome can take you away from God and His word. The crazy thing about self sufficiency syndrome, is that it takes you further and further away from the very source that you are actually seeking. The source of peace, fulfillment, and joy.

John 15:5 “I am the vine. You are the branches. If you remain joined to me, and I to you, you will bear a lot of fruit. You can’t do anything without me.

Prayer Update: Amanda Bates is still very ill and needs continued prayer. Today is her birthday!

Happy Birthday Butch Peterson! 

A Thought!  “If you really wanted to become an expert at something, you would immediately start doing all kinds of things that you don’t do now!”


Sudsy Sundays!   Last Sunday you donated 174 lbs for our Glen-Ed Food Pantry.  Don and Evelyn Schaake delivered 288 rolls of toilet paper, 6 detergents, 3 dishwashing soaps, 1 bottle of Shout, plus coats, sweatshirts, sweaters, jeans and jackets.  Thank you for your generosity – the Pantry is always grateful for all donations.  In January we are in particular asking for donations of dishwashing soap and laundry detergent.

Kid’s Night Out .   This Friday, January 12, is Kid’s Night Out!!!  The evening begins at 5:30 pm with a meal for the children, and ends at 8:30 pm.  All children age 3 through those in 5th grade are welcome to participate in the fun of making new friends, playing games, doing crafts and other activities, and watching a movie while munching on popcorn.   You can RSVP by responding to this e-mail, or call the church office.  A reservation is not necessary but is appreciated.  Adult helpers are always needed, as this is a growing program.  If you can help, even if it is just for an  hour or so, please call Kiffon at (618) 210-9628.

See you soon. Love, pastor kent