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Revelation: when God reveals a truth to a believer. This is one of the greatest thrills to me.  Revelation comes often to me when I am reading the bible or listening to a sermon. Many times what God reveals to me  may not have anything to do with the story I am reading. It is always something personal that sheds light into my personal circumstances. So I am going be posting some simple thoughts about scriptures I read without elaborating on them. I want to see what God reveals to you when you read the thought. He is a very personal God who knows you and your circumstances. Let the revelations begin.

Todays thought: Remember in the old testament book of Exodus, the cloud did not follow the people, God’s people followed the cloud!  So what does this say to you?

Our prayer list: 

  •  Mike Portell, who had a serious hand injury with a circular saw last week, we pray for full recovery and patience while healing is taking place.
  • Alene Schuette, who fell and fractured a vertebrae. We pray for release of pain and full recovery.
  • Ron Jones, Ron is Rhonda Grammer’s father. He had a stroke and is in recovery. We ask for God’s healing grace and strength. Ron’s wife Carol has also been admitted to the hospital with heart failure symptoms so we also pray for her recovery and strength.
  • Me for broken ankle, your prayers are very appreciated for a fast recovery.
  • All who are seeking a deeper relationship and deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings.
  • Courage to be bold for Jesus with our neighbors and family.

See you Sunday morning at 10:00am on Facebook live. Love, pastor kent

Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls.  618-334-3575