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Dear PCF friends and family, I just got a text from Diane Rinkle, her daughter-in-law Jennifer, who was with us this past Sunday, is at the hospital with problems with her pregnancy. Diane said it is too early for the baby to come. So let’s lift Jennifer and her husband Eric Rinkle to the healing hands of God and ask for God’s mercy, strength and peace and to watch over the baby to be. We trust Jesus!

This Sunday we will gather at 9:00am to worship Jesus in song and we will learn from God’s book of truth. I hope you can join you PCF family. 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. 

For young People age 17-25, If you or someone you know is stuck in a career path decision, not knowing if college is a good choice, there is an alternative strategy. I attended college to get a teaching degree, but I defaulted to that because I really had no idea what I wanted to do at 17, except become a famous rock star. Obviously that never happened, so in my search for meaning and purpose, I began reading books. Not novels but books on topics that I thought could help me. I was very interested in God and in business. I began reading book after book every day and I began taking notes and what I found was after a couple of years of ferocious reading, I had learned much more than i did in most of my college classes. And I think the reason is, is because i was zeroing in on the subjects and topics I was interested in and wanted to learn about. I have continued that type of reading my whole life. So my advice is this, college is good and necessary for some people, but for many I believe it is a waste of time and money. I am not knocking college by that comment. The point I am trying to make is, college is a business decision and if you have no idea what you are called to do, I would recommend getting a job doing something, work like you own the business, and then read yourself to sleep every night instead of just hanging out or wasting time on your phone. You must take responsibility for your life path. Don’t think just because you or your parents spend $75000 on your college experience over 5 years, that you are going to come out on the other side prepared to enter the real world. So think on this. If you are not sure what to do, get a job doing something. You don’t even have to like it but you will:

  • learn a ton about people,
  • you will start making some money,
  • start saving some money,
  • you will learn about the value of working,
  • you will learn to be disciplined.

You will need all of those traits to make it in this world. Here is what I would do if I could go back and start over.

  1. ) I would get to know the Lord Jesus and make him my Lord and Savior. Do that by truly seeking Him. Knowing Jesus and walking with Him supersedes everything else. That is the top priority because when you make Jesus your LORD, He becomes your ultimate authority over all other decisions you will make. You learn to trust him with everything. If I had done that earlier in my life I could have saved myself much agony, disappointments, pain, and money from poor decisions.
  2. PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING!  Wait on the Lord. I made huge mistakes because I did not do this.
  3. Get a job doing something.  I did this! I learned a lot! I worked very hard at every Job I had.
  4. Read. Read. Read. Make sure the bible is on this reading list.
  5. Find a way to stay connected to God and Godly people. PCF church perhaps!
  6. Love people. All people. Love them. Love those who are mean, rude, awful, Jesus told us to pray for them. No matter where you go in life you are going to have to deal with people. Become an expert at getting along with them. We live and work in a relational world. The better you are at relationships, the more success and blessing you will have in your daily life.

More to come……

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