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Our treasurer, Savannah Halbe, is preparing acknowledgement letters for your contributions to the church in 2020. She is mailing the letters with the current addresses she has on file, but if you would like your letter to go somewhere else or would like a PDF version please email her at

You are never outside the circle of God’s Love and Healing Grace, but you can remove yourself from His protective circle of blessings! (Read the story of the prodigal son HERE) We all have a circle of people we align ourselves with. Some of those people have more influence on our life than others. If the influence is moving us toward Jesus and His teachings that is a positive influence. If they are moving us away from the things of Jesus, that is a bad influence. As a Christian, you not only have the ability to be the positive influencer but are called to do so. It is not about removing people from your circle, it is about becoming the positive influencer and leading your circle toward Jesus.

Hope to see you all soon. Love, pastor kent

Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!  618-334-3575