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His life was a short 33 years. He came as a humble servant, A King, but not of this world, yet He changed History forever. He lived as one of us, was tempted as all of us are but never sinned yet died as a criminal on a cross. God fully understands our sufferings, our heartaches, our longings, our pain, and our needs. Maybe this new year is the year you rededicate your life to the Lord? Come be part of an amazing joyful family of believers. Come join us this next year as we grow closer to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

Bonni and I wish you all a very happy, blessed, healthy Christmas. Keep reading your bibles, keep praying for one another, and continue being generous to those who have a need. We thank each and everyone of you for being such an amazing joyful, loving, generous church family. It is a true pleasure to serve such an amazing group of people. People that we truly love!

Here is our Christmas Online Service Schedule:

  • Saturday, Christmas Eve Service at 11:00pm online only!  We will gather online and share communion together. For those joining us, make sure to have your bread and wine or grape juice ready for the communion service.
  • Christmas morning at 9:00am,  I will have a Christmas message online on our Facebook Page.

I hope you will be able to join me and other PCF family members at these two services.

A huge thank you to everyone who bought gifts for the Beverly Farm residents. All gifts have been received and are on their way to the residents at Beverly Farm. They are going to have a very amazing Christmas! Thank you.

Praise reports:  Last Sunday I had mentioned that Jim Ebersoldt was in the hospital in Tampa with some serious health issues. I have been in contact with Sue and found out he was released from the hospital a couple of days ago and is doing better and is back home!  Sue thanks everyone for their prayers.

Cathy Watson did have a fracture in her shoulder but the good news is, she was able to travel to see her daughter in Scottsdale AZ and she is resting there and doing fine.

Jim Gabor my brother-in-law is back home after knee surgery and blood clots and doing much better, thank you for al the prayers!

Special Note: If you know of a local family or friend that truly needs help this time of year please reach out to the board or me and let us know!

Our prayer List:

  • Shawna McMichael, Shawna has started her chemo therapy, let’s keep lifting her so she gets through this next step with strength and God’s peace. We are with you Shauna! and He is with you!
  • Judy and Allen Kunz, I found out today that Allen has been battling Parkinson’s and is in final care. Please lift  Allen and Judy to God’s comforting peace.
  • Jack and Wilma Jean Butler, I ran into Jack at the store this past week and I want to lift both Jack and Wilma Jean to God’s healing grace, peace, and Joy.
  • Lana West, Lana is Tyler Mackie dad’s girl friend and she has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Let’s lift this young lady to God’s healing power and ask for Jesus to surround her with His love and his healing angels. Father let her feel your presence and your peace.

Praise Community Fellowship, A Joyful church with No Walls! 9:00am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family.  Have questions? Call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575. Or Board President. Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510