For followers of Jesus there is one voice that should out-weigh all others when it comes to our decisions and actions, It is the voice of Jesus, his teachings, his demonstrations, his spirit.
One Voice. I found this amazing song performed by the United States Air force Band. Something to get you going on a cloudy Monday Morning. HERE
Never doubt the power of Prayer. If you are like me and are real honest, prayer is not easy. It gets easily overlooked. Many times it becomes a burden. Sometimes days pass by and we realize we haven’t prayed. Prayer is Gods gift to mankind so we can connect with His Kingdom where all things are possible when it comes to having Peace, Joy, Healing, Restoration, and Wisdom. True prayer is a powerful tool. It is the most powerful tool God has given to humans when it comes to things of His Kingdom. When Jesus came to us, he gave us a glimpse into Gods Kingdom to show us what is to come. He gave sight to the blind, He cast out demons, He healed the sick and the crippled, He gave hope to the outcasts and the downtrodden. Everywhere He went He opened the door to His Fathers Kingdom so that we could see what He desires for mankind. Jesus also left us His Holy Spirit and when you combine the power of Holy Spirit with Prayer you have the most powerful tool in the universe. We need to learn how to use this power in our everyday lives. Be blessed, because Thy Kingdom Come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! translation( His Kingdom is coming and His will is going to be done here on this earth just like it is now in Heaven) Amen
PCF Meets this coming Sunday at 10:30am at 800 North Main Edwardsville in the Immanuel Methodist Church.
Prayers needed:
Jim Ebersoldt :I got a text from Sue this morning which stated that Jim’s blood pressure had dropped very low and that they were working on that issue with medication adjustments and fluid intake. His Daughter Kristie is there helping and she is a nurse so that is a blessing.
Walt Williams Please continue to pray for Walt and Mary Ann as He continues to battle cancer.
Ann Culp, continued prayers of healing and peace for Ann and Mike and her family.
Linda Klingel is still in need of our prayers as she continues her treatments for an autoimmune disease. Please pray for Linda’s strength and for God’s blessing and Peace.
We are the Church with NO WALLS! Praise Community Fellowship is an all volunteer Christian family that meets twice a month. Because we have no building and no salaries we can use our offerings to reach outside the walls of a church building and into our community and the world helping those with need. We believe in discipleship, that we are all called to be Jesus to those hurting around us. We have no membership requirements. We believe if you like what we stand for and what we are doing in the community and the world you will want to join us on our mission of No Walls. If you want to learn more about us go to our web page and sign up for this blog at http://www.praisecommunityfellowship.c