What a beautiful morning to be grateful Praise Community Fellowship Family. Here is what is on the map for this Sunday. We will be Live on Facebook at 10:30am. I will continue in the book of Genesis. We will be getting into the Noah story. So much depth to the stories in Genesis! I hope you are keeping up with our journey. Remember you can always go to our Praise Community Fellowship Facebook page and go back and listen to any missed sermons. Click HERE to listen and watch past sermons.
One of the things God may be trying to teach us during this unique time of the pandemic is that God does not live in the many beautiful churches man has spent billions and billions building over the past 1500 years. The true sanctuary is us, believers. The Holy Spirit resides within us, we are the sanctuary. We are the church! Not the lovely building that so many are connected to. Maybe this is His way of moving all of us into a deeper fellowship and helping us realize that we need to come together as believers apart from our buildings and denominations and rise up into the darkness spreading in our land. Maybe this is a wake up call to all the denominational hierarchies and systems that have dominated Christianity for many centuries. Maybe God thought it was time to get out of our walls and into the world where the real need is. Maybe we have become too comfortable within our walls, too safe, too routine. God needs his solders in the trenches, not in comfortable barracks where all is safe, removed from where the war is taking place.
One of the things that stands out to me as I am doing this review in the book of Genesis is that God, from the very beginning, honors people who are willing to walk with Him and have friendship with him. He is always seeking people who are willing to know Him and there is always reward in walking with God. When you look at our world today from a Christian world view, I think you can easily see how Grieved God must be. He offers so much love, comfort, peace, joy, yet many people still think that they have the only way to utopia. There are those who still think the way to utopia is by striving, fighting, demanding, hurting, destroying and on and on.
Christianity is the only way! When I say that, I can already hear those who would say that I am being insensitive and intolerant to have such narrow world views. That is satan at his best, convincing others that there IS a better truth, and a better than what God has given us. Satan is the great gap creator, convincing people that God’s way is too limited, too narrow, too restrictive. Satan has convinced and continues to convince especially young people, that there is a newer and better way to freedom and happiness. Read Genesis chapters one and two and see how that has worked out for mankind so far. See you this Sunday at 10:30am Facebook Live. Love, pastor kent
- THANK YOU Lori Rodgers asked me to thank everyone for their prayers and their cards and gifts. She and Mike are grateful for their church family! Mike is still recovering from his last surgeries and the latest procedure had to be postponed due to some other complications. So please continue lifting Mike and Lori in your prayers.
- African Vision of Hope, pray that God blesses their fund raising effort during this season of Gala and that the right people will become aware of this amazing ministry
- Ben Richey and Becky Stock, a young couple I will be marrying this Saturday. We lift them to God’s Holy Spirit of truth, that they may come to grow close to Him and His teachings through their marriage and that His blessings will on their lives.
- Mike Rodgers, Mike will be having another surgery this coming Tuesday. We lift Mike to God’s healing hands and to God’s peace and strength.
- Deloris Fisher, for Gods blessing of peace and strength during this time of loss
- Nadeen Schuette for God’s strength and continued healing from the blood-clot and stroke
- Mary and Lee Knapp. We continue to pray for God’s healing touch for both Lee and Mary.
- Beverly Farm, For God’s protection of the staff and the employees during this COVID outbreak and for the board of directors as they work at alleviating a large debt and try tp balance the budget.
- All our Nations leaders, God we ask you to send the power of your Holy Spirit filling our leaders with Wisdom and Holy understanding, and love so that our country will return to your ways.
Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!