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Greetings family and friends, this coming Sunday will be very special because we have the honor of dedicating a child to the Lord. Sue Wooden’s granddaughter Isla Klasnja. Let’s show Vlad and Gabby, Isla’s parents and their friends a big PCF welcome Sunday morning.

The PCF choir will be rehearsing this evening at the church at 6:30 if anyone is interested in attending you are welcome to come and listen and worship with us.

Today’s verse Galatians 5:13: “For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity to indulge your flesh, but through love serve one another.”  You and I were called to serve. Let the love of Jesus fill you with a servant’s heart and watch what Jesus can do through you to bring light into another’s darkness. Opportunities abound!  I have found the more I serve the happier and more blessed I am! But the more I self serve, the more unhappy and un-joyful I am.  Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”   Sow happiness, kindness, and blessings into those God puts in your path and watch your own inner garden grow.

Remember God can disguise himself as the beggar, the unwed mother on the street, the homeless person at the park and maybe even the rich business man that is so deep in distress and confusion that all hope is lost to him.  You may be the very one that God puts in their path. Be open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

  • The PCF family BBQ will be held June the 8th at 5:00pm at the church. Please make your reservations with Nelleke at church. Al Kaburick will be handling the grilling. Thank you AL!  Our mission for this dinner is Holly’s House of Hope. Their website is you can click that link and then go to “learn how to donate” and find out ways you can contribute.

A new Prayer request: Our dear friend Jim Dwyer who would drive all the way from St. Charles to be at our services has had some mini strokes and has had an operation to help unblock his carotid artery. Please lift Jim as he recovers from this procedure and his stroke.

Our Prayer List:

  • Alberta Ringering, Diane Rinkle’s mother has been diagnosed with cancer. There will be a treatment plan set up soon. Please lift Alberta to God’s healing peace and love.
  • Lola Goff, Kip’s mom is recovering from her surgery after falling and breaking her Hip.
  • Chris Fultz is still in the hospital needing lots of care for a severe infection. Chris is the nephew of Faye Heuchert.
  • Richard Reed, that God will continue to heal him from his stroke and that God will fill his life with new direction and wisdom.
  • Nadeen Schuette, healing and strength during her ongoing chemo treatments
  • Jennifer Rinkle’s uncle Harold Bloomberg has just been diagnosed with colon cancer and is undergoing chemo treatments.
  • Mike Rodgers, Lori’s husband diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  • Jane Hyten back on our prayer list. Her MSA condition has aggressively affected her at all levels.
  • Dustin Bilderback’s sister who is in treatment for cancer.
  • Brody Sedlacek, 8 year old in cancer treatment.

God we lift all these people on our prayer list to you because you are the perfect healer. We ask that you open their hearts to your word, your truth, your love and your ability to change things in their lives, and for this we praise you!

Praise Community Fellowship is a very Joyful, Prayerful church! We meet Sunday mornings at 10:30am at the Esic Worship Center located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville near the old YMCA . We believe in teaching all of God’s truth with love and compassion. PCF is a 100% volunteer church. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family. We have a Sunday school program and a nursery for the little ones. If you have questions call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575 or our board president Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510.