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Good morning PCF family, it’s hard to believe that right now above us there is a big bright beautiful sun shining brightly into perfectly blue skies. You would see this is true if you got on a jet plane and flew above all the clouds that are making our view cold and dreary.   Many times life is like that. We feel down, depressed, sad, disconnected, yet inside us lives the Holy Spirit full of life, love, Peace, Joy, Patience, and Kindness. He is there even when it certainly doesn’t feel like it. I have felt detached from God the last three days. It happens. I don’t feel like praying, I don’t feel like reading the bible, I am questioning my position as a pastor, and yet I know that God is there. So, I have learned when these days come that I must take steps to reconnect to the source of light, warmth, love, and wisdom. I will pray, I will read, and I will listen to a sermon online and then I will have my talk with the Son. The worst thing we can do when we feel detached from God is to withdraw and hide in our daily stuff. The deceiver loves when we are detached from our source of power. That is when he can do his most destructive work in us and through us. No one is exempt from these dark days not even Jesus.  He too was tempted and tried in the desert at the beginning of His ministry and also in the Garden of Gethsemane as he was ending His time here on earth. He gave us an important lesson in both circumstances, He went to God the Father and Prayed. Prayer is given to us also. It is our weapon and our tool for reconnecting to God the Father. Use it, it works!

This Sunday .  PCF will meet this Sunday at 10:30am at 800 North main Street in Edwardsville. We are seeking families to adopt into our family of believers. Come join us.

A big thank you thank Jennifer Kaburick for filling in for me last week. I will be back this week and look for ward to seeing everyone.


Gary White, a high school friend of mine is in the Hospital for Leg issues. We pray for God’s healing

Tom Gain is recovering from Hip replacement surgery. Please pray for God’s healing hands and a fast recovery.

Alene Schuette, Alene is my aunt and she had a mild stroke this past week. She is home recovering but will need therapy. Please pray for Gods healing touch and His peace for her and my uncle Howard.

Continued prayers for Willow, Mary and Lee Knapps great grand daughter who is having surgery to correct a birth defect.

Faye Heuchert, please continue to pray for Faye as she continues to recover from her brain surgery.

Devin Meyers, Devin is a young man from Brighton who was involved in a very serious accident. He still needs our healing prayers.

Prayers for all who are lonely, sad, depressed, fearful, unhappy, broken. May the truth and power of God come to you this year so that you may find peace and love.

Revival comes when people get dissatisfied with what is and yearn deeply for what could be! The power to change comes from prayer and the Holy Spirit. Prayer initiates the connection to God’s Kingdom and the Holy Spirit comes to direct and manage. Our part is to step out in faith and do what He directs us to do.

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent