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Ephesians 2:13 “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”

Church calendar: 

  • Tonight Men’s group at 6:30
  • Wednesday evening Choir rehearsal 6:30
  • Sunday Worship 10:30am

Please add Diane Rinkle’s mom, Alberta Ringering to your prayer list. Alberta did come home from the hospital Monday but is still in need of God’s healing touch. She is battling an infection and will also need surgery after the infection is cleared up.

If you are going through a time of disappointment or discouragement take these steps.

  1. Go to God in prayer and ask for peace and wisdom.
  2. Reach out to a fellow church member for a time of prayer and discussion.
  3. Read your bible. Google what ever question you may be seeking and ask for bible scriptures that would pertain to your need.
  4. Forgive all those in your life with whom you may have issues. This can be done between you and God as a start and then just be lead by the Holy Spirit if you are to do more.
  5. Be with your church family on Sunday. It is good to come and worship together and seek the Lord.
  6. Turn it over and trust God!  Ask Him to show you how to move forward from wherever you are. Then follow His instruction.

See you all soon! Love, pastor kent