Here is your Monday morning question to ponder: “What if the stories and the promises in the bible are true?”
God can do Anything through Anyone who is completely surrendered to the Holy Spirit’s leading. It is the Holy Spirit who is directing God’s plans and activities through those who listen and obey Him. We are the eyes, ears, hands, feet, mouth and mind of Jesus in today’s world. God is expanding His Kingdom through believers who are in tune with the Holy Spirit and who are obeying His promptings and guidance. You too can be a vessel God can use to expand His Kingdom. This is the absolute highest calling you can have in this life and here is the best part, you can become a vessel right where you are right now. The only requirement to become a vessel is to believe in Jesus, repent of your sins, and then ask for the Holy Spirit to use you. This takes practice and it requires time with God and His word because He speaks to us through the words in the bible. The better you get to know God through the stories in the bible, the more clearly you will hear and know the Holy Spirit’s voice.
Yesterday we had Chad Opel, the founder of Edwardsville Neighbors in Need – now Edwardsville Neighbors, as our guest. We are happy to have them as one of our missions that we support with our offerings. Edwardsville Neighbors helps families in district 7 who are going through a medical crisis or other crisis that is putting them in severe financial difficulties. Edwardsville Neighbors comes in and helps pay bills and provides support to help families get through a difficult period. They also supply Christmas gifts to children in need. Learn more about this wonderful organization here.
The Future Planning Committee will meet again tonight at the church at 6:30. We are putting together a strategy for PCF’s future.
Our TWIGS back pack feed the kids program is growing. Thanks to Faye Heuchert and all her dedicated volunteers we are feeding over 400 kids a month and it continues to grow. If you want to help with this wonderful program or learn more about it please contact Faye at 618-444-5650.
Gary Watson addressed our PCF family at yesterday’s service updating everyone on the future planning committees activities. One of the things Gary talked about is how we operate differently than any other church that I know of. Think about this.
We are a church without Walls! That means we don’t own real-estate or a building which means we do not have the expenses associated with a building. This is significant because it allows us to put our offerings to work in the community.
We don’t have salaries! This is also huge. No one get’s a salary at PCF! We are all volunteers. The pastor volunteers, the music director volunteers. It is our belief that God will bless our efforts as we continue to sow more and more back into His kingdom. This is a unique model and we have been making it work for almost 8 years now. Get the word out!
No Raise the Praise choir this Thursday due to other obligations. We will resume next week.
Barb Weiss will be going in for surgery on her legs this week to open up some arterial blockage. Barb said she has been experiencing a lot of pain when she walks and this surgery is to relieve that symptom. Please pray for Barb’s successful operation and a very quick recovery.
Walt Williams continues his treatments for cancer. Let’s lift Walt and Mary Ann to God’s Healing and strength and peace.
Ann Culp, the Leh and the Ottwein Family for healing and peace for the loss of Ann’s son Brent Leh.
Linda Klingel is still in need of our prayers as she continues her treatments for an autoimmune disease. Please pray for Linda’s strength and for God’s blessing and Peace.
Please pray for our church and the Holy Spirit’s guidance as our future planning committee continues to lay out plans for our future.
Hope to see you soon. Love, pastor Kent