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Philippians 2:3-4  “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

What a different world it would be if people would only put into practice the wisdom God has given us. I know there are many arguments:

  • “If I did that, I would be taken advantage of!”
  • “You can’t do that in today’s world, it just wouldn’t work!”
  • “If I’m putting everyone else first, I’d go broke!”
  • “Wishful thinking!’

Here is what I can tell you from experience, When you begin to put the teachings of God into practice, your life is going to improve in many ways. People who say, “I’ve tried what Jesus says and it didn’t work for me!, really didn’t try. Oh I could give a whole sermon on this!

Do yourself and all those you love a huge favor and start doing what the bible teaches. Not once, not twice but implement the teachings into your daily life and watch what happens to your life’s garden. It will become beautiful.

Bonni and I thank everyone for your prayers for her dad Alden. I told the family yesterday that Alden has spent his entire life reading and studying the bible so that he could know Jesus better and soon he is going to get to know him on a whole new level. He will finally get to see him and experience him.  That is the journey Jesus has for all of us, to grow closer and closer to Him so when the time comes, we walk out of this life and into a whole new existence with the one who lived the bible verse I quoted above. Jesus did nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. He humbled himself even to the point of death on a cross so that you and I can live with him eternally. Amen and Amen.  It is a beautiful plan. All you have to do is implement it into your daily life. It’s  your choice. Choose wisely.

Blessings, pastor kent