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We are experiencing very uncertain times when it comes to our biological lives. What is not uncertain are all the Spiritual things of God and His son Jesus our Lord. God has a plan, God is in control. I believe He is showing us that  we do not have as much control over our life as we think we do. When uncertainty hits us hard, like now, the question is, “How will I respond?” In fear, or in complete faith and courage that Jesus has the answer? This is a time when you have to asses and decide what is most important in this life and where you will put your faith and trust? Will it be in man and his knowledge or God and His wisdom?

This Covid19 virus disruption is definitely refocusing me on what really matters and it is reminding me that unless I place my trust in God and His promises, I have nothing. It’s times like these that I fully realize the fact that this biological body that I inhabit is very vulnerable and temporary and that there really is no such thing as security as the world defines it.

Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Priorities!  As I have told the PCF family many times before, I am preaching to myself! I hope you will be able to relate to what God is telling me about me. I have laid up for myself treasures on this earth. The above scripture could be put into modern terms by having it read, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where the stock market, virus outbreaks, housing markets, politics and thieves break in and steal; but instead focus on the things of God and the teachings of Jesus where your time and energy and treasures will be eternally safe and where you will find eternal Peace and Joy!

Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be LORD of your life and my life! Lord meaning He wants top priority of my time, my talent, my treasures, and He wants a full, all out commitment. He wants my full attention all the time! But I have jumbled those priorities up so that my life is really not that much different than a non believers life in that I have prioritized pleasing my 5 senses. I want convenience, I want comfort, I like it when things are good and easy, and I enjoy pleasure. I don’t like hard, difficult, and inconvenient, Oh I especially despise inconvenient! Why? Because I am selfish! That is the bottom line. I care more for myself than I do my neighbors. I do everything I want to satisfy my desires first and then “IF” there is time and energy to fit God and others into my schedule, AND if it is not too disruptive or God forbid inconvenient, maybe then I will try to squeeze Him and others into my life!  Are you shocked? You shouldn’t be because I am a sinful human that fails on many levels every day. But my redeeming truth is Jesus! In spite of all my failings I know He loves me, and I know He loves me because He chose to die for me years ago. That was a personal sacrifice that He chose to do for ME! I need to get over myself and start realizing just how much God loves me and just how much it cost Him to have me be part of His family. It is amazing what Jesus has given us as a free gift.

Christianity is about change. Changing our priorities. Will you join me in making a commitment  to re-prioritize your life? The next time we meet I am going to carry this message a little deeper. In the mean time, you know what to do!

Read Isaiah 58:6-14

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent, a sinner saved by grace!    Stay in touch with one another!

Praise Community Fellowship. We are an all volunteer, non-denominational Christian Church. We meet at 10:30am Sunday at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville, Il 62025.