PCF will meet next on July 7th at 9:00am at Glik Park.
What the catacombs in Rome teach us about our faith. I had the opportunity a few years ago to visit the catacombs in Rome. Recently I have been reading more about the early Christians who buried their loved ones in the catacombs. Here are some interesting things I have uncovered:
- Many modern scholars, yielding to the influence of skeptics like David Hume, deny that Jesus performed miracles. Clearly though, the early Christians were convinced of the Lord’s miracle-working powers. The early art work found in the catacombs clearly depicts many of the miracles acclaimed to Jesus. The early Christians obviously held the belief that Jesus indeed performed many miracles that our new testament proclaims.
- Atheism alleges that the Christian faith is only for the ignorant and those who are void of reason. The catacomb evidence has shown, though, that Christianity invaded the ranks of the middle and upper classes, and made an impact even among the intellectuals. Many of the tombs appear to have belonged to families of the aristocracy. These would have been people of higher education and people who held high positions within the community.
- One of the most amazing realities is that even though early Christians were many times severely persecuted, the catacomb graffiti of these early Christians reveal no images of sorrow or complaining; rather, a vibrant spirit of joy and triumph is everywhere evidenced. These early Christians were so moved by their faith that there is no indication of sorrow on these early graves. Only Joy, happiness, celebration, and the depiction of the resurrected Jesus. This changed over time as the faith began changing with new teachings that varied from the original texts and teachings. We can learn much from the earliest Christians.
- My favorite story is about the art work that depicts Jesus, the good shepherd with non other than a goat over his shoulder being rescued along with the lost sheep. To me this is huge if you recall the story in the bible from Matthew 25:31-46 the story of the separation of the goats and the sheep. But in the earliest Christian art found in the catacombs we see Jesus rescuing the goat right along with the sheep. What an amazing depiction, Jesus rescuing the lost along with the lambs.
I hope you are all having a blessed summer so far. I will ty to get more regular blogs out soon. As I mentioned earlier it has been an extremely busy year for Bonni and I.
Prayer updates:
Walt Williams Please pray for Walt and Maryann. Walt is in the final stages of lung cancer and I am praying for Gods peace for both of them.
Laurie Frey: We continue to pray that Laurie’s surgery is healing and that she will be back to 100% soon.
Faye Heuchert Faye is home and still receiving rehab therapy. Please lift Faye and Brad as Faye continues to recover from her aneurysm surgery.
Elizabeth Adams Marks’ Let’s keep lifting Elizabeth’s grandaughter Elyse up in prayer. She is a baby that may need heart surgery.
Pete Fornoff Pete has resumed Chemo therapy to treat the cancer. We pray that God will will intervene with His healing hand and give Pete health and Peace and the ability to begin eating solid foods.
Cathy Crowder I have not heard from Cathy in a while but I know she was home recovering from Cancer surgery. I pray that God’s healing hand will continue to strengthen her and heal her.
Bill Zimmer, Alexis’ grandfather is in hospice. We pray for God’s peace and comfort for Bill and his family.
Praise Community Fellowship, the church without Walls! www.praisecommunityfellowship.com
See you soon, Love pastor kent