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Praise Community Fellowship does not meet this coming Sunday, January the 20th. We will meet next Sunday January the 27th at 10:30am.

The bible is a collection of writings inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is important to understand that no one writing gives you the whole story. That is why I encourage all Christians to read your bibles daily and if you find the bible hard to read there is a new bible format called Immerse the reading Bible. I highly recommend it. The Immerse bible collection reads like a story. It is easier to understand. click here and you can go to their website to learn more.

You know the old saying, “You only live once!”  not true of you are a Christian! If you want to know more about living life from a different perspective look into getting to know the Jesus of the bible. There is something interesting I’ve learned from people who know Jesus, they all have a unique view of Him. I think that is because He is real. You have a unique relationship with everyone you know. Many people know my wife Bonni but not in the same way I know her. We all develop a unique relationship with people. It is personal and has a unique chemistry that only exists between you and the other person. Your relationship with the living Jesus will be no different so don’t let someone else’s idea’s about who Jesus or God is determine if you want to be in a relationship with them. It’s personal because they are real and have a personality. Let the reality of Christianity happen in your life by getting to know Jesus on a personal level. Now that is life changing!  Love, pastor kent

Our Prayer list:

Louise (Snookie) Burns Bonni’s mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Louise has a few more tests before her treatments will begin. We pray for God’s healing and strength for her and Bonni’s dad Henry as they  begin her treatments.

Bob Ahrens  Bob is doing much better as he continues to recover from his back surgery. We continue to lift him and Ella up as he continues to gain his strength and mobility.

Adelynn Wasser Adelynn was born premature and only weighs 1lb 6oz. She is doing ok but will have about a 3 month hospital stay. Let’s lift up little Adelynn and her family for Gods healing and strength and Peace during this anxious time for them.

Jim Ebersoldt : Continues prayers for full recovery and strength and God’s peace.

Walt Williams  Walt continues to battle cancer. Please continue to pray for Walt and Mary Ann, We pray for God’s healing touch and His peace and strength for both Walt and Mary Ann.

The PCF family, that we will grow closer to Jesus, to one another, and bring Jesus’ love message to many more people this year.

Missed a service but still want to hear the sermon? Go to our website where you can listen to past sermons. Go to

Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls. We are an all volunteer church. We have no salaries and no mortgage which allows us to give much more into God’s work in the community and the world.  Find out more at