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Everyone who becomes a follower of Jesus is called to minister. As the bible explains we are one body with many members.  Read about it Here. Some are called to preach, some to sing, some to administrate, some to support, some to cook, some to counsel, and many others. Pray to God to show you your ministry.  When you begin sharing your gift with others you will find yourself in God’s Circle of Blessing!


PCF along with IUMC are looking into providing lunches through a back pack program for district 7. This will require a group of volunteers to pack lunches “ONE” night a month which can be accomplished in about 2 hours or less. The lunches will then be distributed to the schools in bulk and the school nurses will put the lunches into the backpacks of needy children secretly so that none of the other students will know who gets the weekend free lunches. I will have more info soon about this program. Pray about becoming a volunteer for this ministry.

SOUP & SANDWICH LUNCHEON – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10  Be sure to stop by for lunch this Friday!  You will enjoy the United Methodist Women’s annual Soup & Sandwich Luncheon, where you can choose from one of three homemade soups:  vegetable, chicken noodle or bean, have a chicken salad sandwich on a croissant, and have your choice of an assortment of pie slices.  The cost is $8.00.  The luncheon will be served from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm.  We hope to see you!!

CRAFT FAIR   A Craft Fair with a variety of crafters will be held in conjunction with the Soup & Sandwich Luncheon again this year.  The Craft Fair opens at 10:00 am on Friday, November 10 and will be open until 5:00 pm.  The hours on Saturday are 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.  There will be as assortment of holiday crafts, ornaments, décor & gifts, handmade crafts, cards & stationary, needle crafts, Blessing Baskets, Jewelry and much, much more.  This is a great opportunity to do some Christmas shopping or purchase new holiday decorations.  Be sure to visit the Journey’s Inn Room to view all the crafts when you come for lunch on Friday!

SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS SEMINAR   Christmas and related holiday activities can often amplify the grief-related pain for those who have lost a loved one.  To offer a sense of hope and healing, we invite you to our Surviving the Holidays Seminar, a special one-day event, on Wednesday, November 15 beginning at 6:00 pm in the Journey’s Inn room  We will explore:

  • How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
  • What to do about traditions and other coming changes
  • Helpful tips for surviving social events
  • How to discover hope for your future

If you are in need of hope and healing, please consider attending.  No RSVP necessary.

THANKSGIVING BASKETS . This Thanksgiving, the Glen Ed Pantry and Faith Coalition Edwardsville are providing Thanksgiving Baskets to many local residents who are in need.  Your donations will help provide a good dinner and a message of hope and support to someone who is struggling.  Checks may be made out to Immanuel with “Thanksgiving Baskets” on the memo line.  The cost of one basket is approximately $30.00.  The deadline to make your donation is this Sunday, November 12.

FREE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING MEAL – SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 .  Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist Church are serving a free Thanksgiving meal on Sunday, November 19  beginning at 12:00 noon.  The menu includes turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and hot rolls.  THERE WILL BE NO 8:45 AM JOINT CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP that Sunday so that the food can be prepared.  You are welcome to come to help cook and serve this meal, or to come to eat.   Any financial contributions toward this effort can be noted to go toward “Free Thanksgiving Nov. 19”.

HELP PUT THE “MERRY” IN MERRY CHRISTMAS!   The Food Pantry emphasis for the month of November is Christmas gifts for the children of families who are helped by the Glen-Ed Food Pantry.  You can bring new, unwrapped gifts for children of all ages.  Teens are difficult to buy for, and the Pantry does not receive many donations for them.  We are suggesting that Cardinals/Blues t-shirts, sweatshirts, or gift cards to local merchants would be a good gift for a teenager whose family is struggling to make ends meet.  Thank you for thinking of others as you shop in November!

Your Prayers are needed:

Trevor Rallo has a diagnosis of the tumor that he has on his brain stem, it is called ganglioglioma. This type of tumor is benign but still requires chemo therapy.

Mary Knapp, Mary is home from hip surgery and is recovering.

Linda Cassens is still here in Edwardsville and is awaiting another procedure and some tests results from her recent bladder cancer.

Cathy Watson is all through her chemo treatments and is gathering her strength for her next surgery.

Emily Norris will be having surgery November the 21st. Emily is Will and Donna Bowers daughter. She is battling cancer. Please pray for Emily and her husband Chris.

Faye Heuchert is home recovering from her back surgery.

Bonnie Rutkowski was in church this past Sunday and is till awaiting a diagnosis about her shortness of breath.

Pastor John Shear has been readmitted to the hospital with more complications due to his diabetes.

Stan Rutkowski Continued renewal and strength for his pressure wounds.

Father we lift all these people before you asking for your healing grace and you spirit of peace to fill each and everyone of them. We thank you for all of your blessings and we rejoice in your love for each of them. In Jesus name, Amen.

Pastor Jackie and IUMC will be leading worship the next two Sundays, November 12th and 19th. Bonni and I will be working with the Shriners and then be back on November 26th!  See you all soon. Love, pastor Kent