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This Sunday, 09/29, we will gather at Glik Park at 9:00 AM for the last time this year. It has been a wonderful summer meeting in the name of Jesus outside in nature. Then, in October we will resume services at Immanuel Methodist church beginning on October the 13th, the second Sunday in October and will plan on meeting every Sunday for the remainder of the year.

The Gospel of Jesus should cry out to the world, “Come as you are!” it should also be crying out, “But don’t stay as you are!” because Christianity is about change. When you enter the shower after a long hot day of work, you don’t want to leave the shower the same way you entered. Come as you are YES! Everyone is invited, but the objective is to leave differently, changed, renewed, cleansed. Come change with us. Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!   See you this Sunday 9;00am  Glik Park Edwardsville. 

See you then. Love, pastor kent