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This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a young donkey. It is the time of the Jewish Passover feast so there are many people traveling to Jerusalem at this time. This Sunday we will once again be live at 10:30am on our Praise Community Fellowship Facebook page. 

I hope many of you are finding more time to be with God during these unique times and that you are feeling closer to Him. To all of you who are receiving these blogs, I want to invite you to call me anytime if you would like to talk or need a word of encouragement. Call one another and stay in touch. I want you all to know that I love talking with you and that I am here for you.  I certainly don’t have all the answers but I do find great peace when I spend time praying and reading Gods word.

Don’t let yourself fall into a depression. Call me or someone that you can talk with. We are the church meaning we are to be here for one another. It is at times like this we can put into practice, love your neighbor as yourself. My number is 618-334-3575. My email is

I look forward to being together this Sunday, even though it will be electronically. Hope to see you all soon.

Love, pastor Kent