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Services will be at 10:30am on Sundays at Esic Church in Edwardsville. All are welcome!

Online Offering

All donations are appreciated and used to directly help our missions.

If you prefer to donate via Venmo use the QR code below:

Pastor Kent D. Schuette

Pastor Kent D. Schuette

“I am a seeker of wisdom! I started reading the bible when I was 19 years old.” Read More

Listen to Past Sermons

Check out some of the past sermons Pastor Kent Schuette has done. Listen

About PCF

First and foremost we are not a traditional church.  Read More

Our Missions

PCF believes in Jesus’ teaching on helping the poor. Read More

With Praise Community Fellowship You Always Have A Family!

Praise Community Fellowship Blog

The blog is how the PCF family stays connected and informed as to worship schedules, prayer requests, upcoming events, weather cancelations etc.  The blog will come to your email inbox automatically. PCF blogs are not sent on any particular schedule.  The PCF blog is the best way to know what is going on within your PCF family. You can sign up below.

Sign Up For The PCF Blog Today!

Prayer Please

Dear PCF family I just got off the phone with Patti Franklin. She is in the ER and is being admitted due to a stroke, Her heart enzymes are also elevated. Her eyes are the main thing being affected at this time, she has blurry vision. They are still running tests and...

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What happened to the Weather?

Dear PCF family, I had a request today from Tammy Smart. Nina Slaby, who usually  brings her baked goods in on Sunday mornings, will not be available to do this for awhile. So we are asking for volunteers to bring in donuts or other store bought goods for our Sunday...

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This Sunday, March 2nd

Good morning PCF family, this coming Sunday will be a communion Sunday as we continue our journey toward Easter. Bring your family to church, get your kids and grandkids in Sunday school and find out the joy there is in being an active member of a wonderful church...

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