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Dear PCF family and friends: So much to talk about and be grateful for. This past Sunday we prayed for Leah Kaburick as she gets ready to leave for College tomorrow. We praised God for granting Divya’s cousin Vamsi a visa so he could come and study here in America. We have been blessed with more and more new faces and a growing congregation. This is all good news but with it comes a responsibility and that is what I will be talking about this next Sunday.

Interesting read from the prophet Isaiah. Never stop seeking God’s truth from the bible and then applying it into your life. His word gives us the right paths to take. The right way to look at things. His words are a lamp that shines brightly in the darkness. When I read the first 2 chapters of Isaiah this morning it was as if I were reading the headlines in todays news. Very prophetic in so many ways. Like the people long ago in Isaiah’s time we are still in a battle of good verses evil. The enemy is using the same tactics as he did back then, blur the truth with lies, make evil look as if it were good, keep recruiting as many people as possible away from the truth of God and let people get comfortable with their own version of religion and their own truths. Read the first two chapters of Isaiah here: 

Reminder: I hope you are all working on writing up a little biography about yourself. Something that I can share with the congregation. I want people to get to know one another a little better. What are your hobbies? What are some things that most people wouldn’t know about you? Maybe you have an amazing testimony. Email them to me or drop the in the offering.

Bible Study: I have had a couple of inquiries about starting a bible study. I have good news, We can do that! We already have one group and it will meet on Monday mornings at 9:00am at the church starting in September. This group is established but we would certainly welcome any new people. I know not everyone can make it on a work day at that time so I am open to starting another group at a different time. If you would be interested in a bible study, let me know by emailing me and I will see what kind of response I get and then notify all those who contact me. We will go from there. Kent


  • David Chestnut, Ella Ahrens uncle is in His final days and we ask for God’s peace and joy to fill David as he is in this final transition. Let him be filled with the love and hope of Jesus our Lord.
  • Patti Franklin’s brother Bill Powell is in surgery now for a quadruple bypass. Please pray for a successful operation and God’s peace for Bill and his family.
  • Sue Strubhart, Sue is an employee of ours who is in the hospital and needs open heart surgery. Please lift Sue to God’s healing hands.
  • Gay Kell, Krista’s mom, is having an aortic heart valve replacement surgery on August 29th at Christian North East Hospital. Let’s turn this over to our Lord Jesus and ask for a successful surgery and a rapid recovery.
  • Praise Report: Vamsi, Divya’s cousin got his Visa approved and will be joining Divya here in the US to study for his masters program!
  • Debbie Creamer, Debbie is resting from her surgery on her throat due to thyroid cancer. She is resting and should be going home today or tomorrow
  • Verlene Schwalb, Verlene battles something called Multiple Myeloma which is cancer of the bone marrow. She is currently on treatment, and it makes her ill and weak. Lets lift Verlene to God’s healing hands and ask for rapid success with the treatment and for less side affects.
  • Jason Burton, Jason continues to got good news with his latest treatments. Keep lifting Jason for continued healing and strength.
  • Pray for the people God is sending to our Church family. God is trusting us to provide them with a Joyful, loving, Spiritual Home.
  • Jim Ebersoldt, We will continue to lift Jim and Sue in prayer. Jim is experiencing some serious health issues with heart and liver.
  • The people of Ukraine and Russia who do not want the war.

Praise Community Fellowship, A Joyful church with No Walls! 9:00am Sundays at Esic Church located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville. God’s Truth with Love and Compassion. Praise Community Fellowship Church is a 100% volunteer Church. We have no salaries or paid positions. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Fa