Greetings to the PCF family. Due to a travel schedule PCF will not meet tomorrow or Next Sunday. We will have back to back services on March 17th and March 24th. You have to stay on your toes to keep up with the Wandering Hebrews!
Please be thinking of the tough questions you would like me to address over the course of this years sermon topics. You can send them to me by email, or you can text me at 618-334-3575, or you can drop your questions in the offering plate at church. In my pursuit of God’s truth over the last 40 years I have found there is depth and many surprises that continue to emerge from God’s word. If there were deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings, I am convinced we would have far less schisms within the church today. I attribute this expanded knowledge similar to finding a new friend that you begin walking with in the mornings. When you first meet, the conversations are probably what I call fringe conversations that may not have much depth. It is a time to test the waters while getting to know one other. At this stage you are drawing conclusions about your new friend which may or may not be accurate. As time goes by, and the walks and the conversations continue, you will both begin sharing more intimate details of your lives. It is at this stage through careful listening and sharing with one another where revelations and trust becomes a deep part of the relationship. Begin walking with Jesus daily by reading your bible, praying, and staying in conversation. The payoff will be beyond your expectations. It is life changing.
I have had numerous comments about our last service and how it was refreshing to tackle hard subjects head on. Thank you for all those who gave me the positive feedback.
Announcement: African Vision of Hope is sponsoring a fundraising Concert Friday March 22nd at 7:30. More information here.
Our prayer list:
Linda Daniel Please continue to pray for Linda in this difficult time of loss.
Louise (Snookie) Burns Bonni’s mom has begun treatments for breast cancer is is doing good. We pray for God’s healing and strength for her and Bonni’s dad Henry as she continues her treatments.
Adelynn Wasser Adelynn There is an update on little Adelynn. She now weighs 3 lbs 10oz! Continued prayers for growth and strength.
Walt Williams Walt continues to battle cancer. Please continue to pray for Walt and Mary Ann, We pray for God’s healing touch and His peace and strength.
The PCF family, that we will grow closer to Jesus, to one another, and bring Jesus’ love message to many more people this year.
Missed a service but still want to hear the sermon? Go to our website where you can listen to past sermons. Go to