Tomorrow we will gather around our computers and cell phones to be joined as a church family on our Facebook page at 10:30am. If you can gather some bread and wine or grape juice we will also have communion together. I will be sharing an important message at a very unique time in our history. Easter a Pivotal Time, My Talk with God this Week. Although it will be done electronically, I’m looking forward to being with everyone and consider it a blessing that we have the technology to still be together.
Barb Joiner finally came home from the hospital today after a stay a couple week stay at Barnes Hospital to repair her broken hip and femur and to clear an infection. Barb will need our prayers for her recovery over the next few weeks.
Mike Rodgers, Lori’s husband had an 11 1/2 hour surgery Friday on his neck and spine. He is in recovery and will need therapy. The doctor told Lori that the he accomplished what he wanted to do during surgery. He now needs our prayers for his long recovery ahead.
Blessings to everyone and Happy Easter. Love, pastor kent
Praise Community Fellowship, Edwardsville Il. Kent’s cell 618-334-3575, email