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The Meeting at Glik Park last Sunday was well attended and it was a beautiful morning. The PCF singers sang a cappella, which was awesome as usual and we had several new families joining us. I will be planning more park days this summer.

Faye Heuchert is looking for more volunteers for this Years TWIGS summer lunch program. If you can help out even now and then it would be greatly appreciated. You can call Faye at 618-444-5650.

Work day at Immanuel Methodist Church. This work day is scheduled for Saturday June 9th starting at 8:00am. I’m sure any amount of time you could help out would be appreciated.


Linda Cassens  continue healing prayers for Linda who has been battling bladder cancer and continues treatments.

Pete Fornof continue prayers for Pete as he is dealing with a very rare form of cancer and will be starting treatments and possible surgery.

Ken Bastholm continue prayers for Ken who is still in the hospital at Barnes but will be going to rehab recovering from heart attack and stroke. Emily, his daughter appreciates all of you who have been helping her with meals and rides.

Mary and Leland Knapp continue prayers for God’s healing grace for both Mary and Leland who are both batteling health issues.

Pastor Jackie healing prayers as she continues her treatments for skin cancer and recovers from the surgeries.

Continued prayers and praises for Jennifer Kaburik and Cathy Watson as they both continue to recover from cancer.

Prayers for the music ministry that God will provide the right person or persons to come into our fellowship to help us worship the Lord with great music and prayers that God will guide our ministry to where and how He wants us to serve.

Let God be your power source everyday, all day, in all ways!  Apostle Peters words of wisdom as spoken from the prophet Joel in the Old testament: Read Here

Love, pastor kent