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Greetings Praise Community Fellowship family, friends, and followers. First let me update you on Mike Rodgers and Floyd and Deloris Fisher. Mike had a rough day yesterday during the heart procedure but came out of it ok and the best news is, he is back home already! Lori says he is sore and needs to take it easy for awhile but he is home and doing fine! He now has 7 stints in his heart. Floyd and Deloris are both back home and doing well! Floyd thanks everyone for the prayers. So we have a lot to be thankful for.

I have decided NOT to meet at the park this Sunday! After watching the news about the new outbreaks of the virus I want to caution on the safe side and continue with online services at this time. There is just too much unknown about this virus to take any chances. What we do know is that most people who get the virus have few or no symptoms which is wonderful, BUT, some people who contract the virus end up in the hospital very ill, and some of those people don’t live through it. Therefore we will continue with online services until further notice.

I am planning on doing the live service this Thursday evening at 8:00pm. Don’t worry if you cannot watch the live service then because it will be recorded and be on our Facebook Page so you can watch it anytime. All of our previous Facebook live services are available on our Facebook page

About PCF  We are having more and more people watching our services and I want to take the time to give some of these new people a brief outline of  what my teaching is based on.

  • I believe the bible was given to man by God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • I believe the Bible contains infinite Spiritual Wisdom which can and will be revealed to all those who come to know Jesus and who ask, seek and knock with a hunger for truth in their heart.
  • I believe God’s truth is revealed through the power of the Holy Spirit to those who have been born again and who truly seek His wisdom by reading and studying the Holy Scriptures.
  • I believe that God’s truth and wisdom is revealed throughout a believers life and because we are all flawed, our beliefs and knowledge of the things of God will evolve as we learn how to put our personal agenda’s and prejudices aside.
  • I believe that God still speaks to all who are seeking Him and that He has plans for those who are willing to listen, learn and change.
  • I believe that we as believers are the church. Although man has divided himself into many denominations, it is God’s plan to unite all believers so that His Will will be done through what the Bible calls the Body of Christ which is made up of true believers.
  • I believe that Jesus is the son of God who came to unveil the Kingdom of God to mankind to give us a glimpse of what is to come when all things will one day be restored. Jesus demonstrated this Kingdom through his many miracles and through His teachings.
  • I believe that Jesus died on a cross, was buried and rose again on the third day proving His Lordship over all things and that His blood sacrifice is the only way to eternal life.

There is much I still don’t know and understand about the things in the bible, but I continue to ask, seek, and knock. My beliefs have evolved as I have continued to read, study and learn but I have learned that the Holy Spirit will reveal what I need to know when the time is right for me to know it.

Bottom line, I am seeking God’s truth and wisdom no matter where that takes me or who’s traditions or rules it might break. I am not seeking to please society, denominational traditions, nor anyone’s expectations. I am seeking to know God, and please God. I fall short and I am well aware of that but I will continue to wrestle with and learn as much as I can from the greatest book there is on earth, the Holy Bible.

Our Prayer List:

  • Deloris Fisher continued prayers for Deloris for God’s healing grace.
  • Doo Nee Loo, Doo Nee is a member of Immanuel Methodist and has been in the hospital. We lift Doo Nee to God’s Healing Hands and for peace and comfort.
  • Elliott Yablonski, Dr. Yablonski’s son is in the hospital with COVID. Please lift Elliot to God’s Healing Grace and please pray for the Yablonski family as they face this difficult situation.
  • Beverly Farm, For God’s protection pf the staff and the employees during this COVID outbreak.
  • All our Nations leaders, God we ask you to send the power of your Holy Spirit filling our leaders with Wisdom and Holy understanding, and love so that our country will return to you and your ways.
  • Rob Ebert, Rob is a good friend of Peggy Gain. Rob needs our prayers as he is battling an aggressive cancer.  Prayers of God’s Peace, Strength, Wisdom, and Healing.
  • Mary and Lee Knapp. We continue to pray for God’s healing touch for both Lee and Mary.
  • Russell Boster update, Russell is Jane Mckinney’s sister who has been battling ovarian cancer. She is continuing Chemo treatments. We continue to lift Russell up to the miracle maker. Health, peace, and strength.
  • Maryann Kavanaugh, Peggy Gains mother. Maryann is homebound and lives with chronic debilitating pain due to a dental procedure 7 years ago. We lift Maryann to our God of all possibilities.

Praise Community Fellowship, the church Without Walls.