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This Sunday’s service is already posted on our Facebook live page. You can watch it anytime at your convenience. Click HERE to watch now. This was recorded Thursday evening. I hope this message resonates in you.

I know there are many opinions on the Corona Virus and wether we should be meeting as a church or not meeting. I have decided to keep doing the online messages until there is clear and reliable information that gives us a safe go ahead to meeting together again. I know several doctors and nurses that I have spoken with regarding our church services and all of them agree that at this time doing services online is the right call.

Be patient…it’s one of the gifts of the Spirit!  And feel free to reach out to me anytime. Stay in touch with one another and use this time to grow closer to Jesus and His teachings. The indication from news reports is that there is a great increase in depression, anger, and frustration in people.  Your kindness, love and genuine concern for someone could be a game changer for their life!  My email:

Let me tell you about just how wonderful our PCF Family is: I called someone who has been on our prayer list this past week and this person filled me in on how a couple of our PCF family members have been staying in touch with them, calling, texting, sending cards. This person could not say enough wonderful things about how loving and caring our congregation is, “Even though I had never met these new friends they treated me like family!  Now I feel as if they are my best friends and I can’t wait to meet them someday.”  Reaching out to someone who is in need of love and reassurance is powerful and all of us can be part of that ministry! Sharing genuine love and concern in this broken world is always full of miracles!


  • Debbie Cramer, some of you will remember for Eden Church, is needing to have brain surgery. she needs our prayers for healing and for God’s peace.
  • Mike Rodgers, for continued strength and healing.
  • Deloris Fisher continued prayers for Deloris for God’s healing grace.
  • Doo Nee Loo, Doo Nee is a member of Immanuel Methodist and has been in the hospital. We lift Doo Nee to God’s Healing Hands and for peace and comfort.
  • Beverly Farm, For God’s protection pf the staff and the employees during this COVID outbreak.
  • All our Nations leaders, God we ask you to send the power of your Holy Spirit filling our leaders with Wisdom and Holy understanding, and love so that our country will return to you and your ways.
  • Rob Ebert, Rob is a good friend of Peggy Gain. Rob needs our prayers as he is battling an aggressive cancer.  Prayers of God’s Peace, Strength, Wisdom, and Healing.
  • Mary and Lee Knapp. We continue to pray for God’s healing touch for both Lee and Mary.
  • Russell Boster update, Russell is Jane Mckinney’s sister who has been battling ovarian cancer. She is continuing Chemo treatments. We continue to lift Russell up to the miracle maker. Health, peace, and strength.
  • Maryann Kavanaugh, Peggy Gains mother. Maryann is homebound and lives with chronic debilitating pain due to a dental procedure 7 years ago. We lift Maryann to our God of all possibilities.

Love, pastor kent

Praise Community Fellowship, the church Without Walls.