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Good morning PCF family and friends it’s Wednesday Sept the 9th. I have a schedule change for this week’s live broadcast due to travel. I will be doing the live service this week on Sunday evening Sept. 13th at 8:00pm. I promise I am going to get back to doing Sunday mornings soon but I have a couple more weeks’ of business travel and plans and then we can get back to a more normal schedule. I miss the music and our gatherings but until we can get a more clear direction for this COVID virus we will continue to meet online. As you know from my last post my son Ben has tested positive and fortunately is showing no symptoms. However, the manager of his cottage where he lives also tested positive and was bedridden for almost 2 weeks. I spoke with her and she said she had never been so sick in her life. I will be playing it on the safe side until this thing is figured out.

I know I haven’t seen or spoken to some of you in months. I can assure you I think about each and everyone of you regularly. I want to encourage all of you to continue in prayer and bible study. The closer you can get to God, the better your life is going to be no matter what is happening in the world. If you need to talk with me, call me, or text me. Don’t feel isolated. We have a strong church family that will pray for you, with you, and help you in any way we can. It is important for you to stay up to date with our live broadcasts. It is a way to stay connected to the church family and to keep God’s word flowing into your soul. If you miss a broadcast you can watch it anytime because they are all recorded and can be accessed on our Facebook Page. You can access all the broadcasts by clicking Watch Here

NOTE: This Sunday I will Broadcast live at 8:00pm. 

There will be so much to catch up on, talk about and celebrate once we can all come back together! I want the church board to begin planning a big dinner celebration where we can all come together and have a homecoming. It will be like having a family reunion. Hopefully we can come out of this unique time renewed, joyful, and grateful! Let’s start preparing for an amazing homecoming. I’ll get the girls to start planning the music, and I would like everyone of the PCF family to start thinking about having a few words or a story about this time and what they have learned. Sincerely and with much love for all of you. Kent

Praise Community Fellowship, the church with No Walls!