I promise soon we will begin meeting more regularly, but here is what is even more important. The most important thing for all Christians is our belief in and closeness with Jesus. Coming together is good but I want much more than in my life than organized religion. I want my life to be empowered by the Holy Spirit. I want to know that when I pray God is answering. I want and need Gods wisdom in my life when I make decisions.
God works through His church to accomplish His will on this earth and you and I and all believers are the church. We are Jesus’ hands, feet mouth, eyes, and body that He directs because He is the head. Just like our head and brain directs all the things we do, Jesus is the head of the church and directs what He needs His body to do to bring His Kingdom into this broken world.
As we are all aware, there seems to be something missing because the church doesn’t seem to be very if you listen to the news every night. Where is the power of the church? The answer is, the power of the church, regardless if it has 10 members or 10,000 members comes from one source and that source is prayer! The more time you spend in prayer the more of Gods power you will experience. It’s that simple!
Here is something I want you to write in your heart! YOU CAN’T OD ON JESUS! What you can do is become empowered by Him. I don’t know about you but I want more of God’s wisdom and power in my life. But that is up to me and the amount of time I invest in prayer and the bible.
Our Prayer List:
- Peggy Johnson, Cathy Watson’s sister had a stroke this past weekend and is Barnes Hospital. She needs Gods healing and strength.
- Cory Heuchert and 2 other EMT’s from Edwardsville were hurt in an accident this past weekend when a car hit the ambulance they were in while transporting a patient to the hospital. The EMT’s suffered broken ribs and other fractures along with severe bruising and other injuries. We pray for Gods healing grace on three of these three young men.
- Marcie LaBanca, Donna Bowers relative, is a 41 year old diagnosed with a brain tumor and has since had a stroke we pray for Gods healing and strength.
- Laurie Frey as she continues to build her strength and recover from her surgery.
- MaryAnn Williams as she adjusts to life after the passing of Walt.
- Faye Heuchert Fas she continues to recover from her brain surgery.
- Snookie Burns, Bonni’s mom as she continues her cancer treatments for breast cancer.
- Lane Kaburick, recovery from his leg injury.
- Pete Fornof as he continues his treatments for stomach cancer. Healing and Gods peace.
See you soon. Love, pastor kent . Praise Community Fellowship church. The church without walls. www.praisecommunityfellowship.com