Please use the tool of prayer. This tool of power is our hotline to God’s power. The church, meaning God’s people, is the primary vehicle for accomplishing His work on earth. The Lord has appointed that men and women who have trusted him as savior should be involved in working out His will in the local churches around the world. That is why a praying church is the only way to be an effective church. Without prayer, church is no more than a social club!
God is a God of miracles! But miracles only happen when people pray!
Our prayer list:
- Marcie LaBanca, Donna Bowers relative, is a 41 year old diagnosed with a brain tumor and has since had a stroke.
- Laurie Frey as she continues to build her strength and recover from her surgery.
- Cathy Crowder as she continues to recover from her colon cancer treatments and surgery.
- Faye Heuchert Fas she continues to recover from her brain surgery.
- Snookie Burns, Bonni’s mom as she continues her cancer treatments fro breast cancer.
- Pete Fornof as he continues his treatments for stomach cancer
- For all of us to have the strength and courage to bring others to know Jesus by sharing the Good News!
See you Sunday, Glik Park at 9:00am! Love, pastor kent