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Through the years I have continued to question many things in the bible and things I learned at church. Some may think that is sac-religious but to me it is a quest for truth. God’s truth. When you first meet someone and are interested in getting to know them better what do you do? You sit down with them and talk and start asking questions. That is what I have been doing for years with my faith journey, I question things.  And, because of that questioning, seeking, asking and knocking, my doctrine has changed over the years. I think I am closer to the truth now than I was 40 years ago when my faith journey began. My goal is to continue to grow closer to God and His will. It’s a lifetime journey that I am sure will continue to evolve and change.

I found these questions in an article I was reading about questions children have. Enjoy!

Dear God: In Sunday School they told us what you do. Who does it when you are on vacation? How did you know you were God? Love, Allison

Dear God: On Halloween I am going to wear a Devil’s costume, is that all right with you? Are you really invisible or is that just a trick? Is it true my father won’t get into Heaven if he uses his bowling words in the house? Did you mean for giraffe to look like that or was it an accident? Mikey

Dear God: Who draws the lines around the countries? Do animals get to use you too or is there someone else for them? I went to this wedding and they kissed right in the church … is that OK?  Julie

  • Keep asking, seeking, and knocking…’s OK that’s how we learn!
  • When will we meet Again?  PCF will meet again on Sunday May 5th at 11:00am at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville.

Golfing Fund Raiser for African Vision of Hope 

SATURDAY JUNE 22, 2019 6:45AM (registration) .  7:30AM (shotgun start) .   12:30PM (awards ceremony)ENTRY FEE PLAYER $100 TEAM $400 .     INCLUDES:    PLAYER GIFT BAG, 18 HOLES W/CART, CONTEST ENTRY FEES MULLIGANS,: 4/TEAM SKINS BREAKFAST & LUNCH AWARDS ,CEREMONY AWARDS & PRIZES .         CONTACT Chairperson Greg Pelster  314-971-3334 .     Co-Chair Bob Bertels 618-531-7367


Pete Fornoff Pete is still having difficulty eating and drinking. He will be having more tests soon. We pray that God will will intervene with His healing hand and give Pete health and Peace.

Faye Heuchert Faye is going to have a very serious surgery to remove two brain aneurysms.  We lift Faye and Brad as to Gods healing hands and ask for divine intervention and God’s Peace.

Gary White, Gary is a friend of mine from way back in the day. He recently had surgery on his legs. Please pray for God’s healing touch as he goes through therapy and recovery.

Brett Ahrens Brett is starting to feel better and is home! Thank you God! We continue to lift Brett as he grows stronger and continues to recover.

Alan and Judy Kunz  Alan had a fall and Judy happened to be in his path. Judy ended up with a broken hip. Both of them are sharing a room at Anderson Hospital but they will be going to Liberty Rehab soon. We send prayers of healing and strength to both Judy and Alan.

Cathy Crowder  Cathy is home from Barnes hospital from here colon cancer surgery.  Please lift Cathy to God’s healing mercy and for strength, courage and God’s Peace.

Pat DeClue  Jennifer Kaburick’s mother, has been diagnosed with endometrial cancer. We lift her up into Jesus’ healing hands and pray for strength and peace for her family.

Bill Zimmer, Alexis’ grandfather is in hospice. We pray for God’s peace and comfort for Bill and his family.

Louise (Snookie) Burns Bonni’s mom has begun treatments for breast cancer is is doing good. We pray for God’s healing and strength for her and Bonni’s dad Henry as she continues her treatments.

Walt Williams Walt continues to battle cancer. Please continue to pray for Walt and Mary Ann, We pray for God’s healing touch and His peace and strength.

Praise Community Fellowship, the church with NO WALLS! Seeking God’s will and truth together.





and, keep asking, questioning, seeking and knocking.