What an absolutely beautiful day! Thank you Lord. I’m gearing up for a wonderful service tomorrow which will conclude with the Baptism of Ty Brown one of our newest PCF family members.

Come join your PCF family tomorrow morning at 10:30am. 

Psalm 100

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
    Worship the Lord with gladness.
    Come before him, singing with joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
    He made us, and we are his.
    We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
    go into his courts with praise.
    Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good.
    His unfailing love continues forever,
    and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Please remember to get one of our welcome cards into the hands of visitors. You can ask the greeters to hand you one. These cards contain information about our church and contact information if they would like to talk with Kent. It also includes information on how to sign up for the blog.

Our Prayer List:

  • Michael Gray, Michael has gone to be with Jesus.
  • Mike Portell is home from the hospital.
  • Scott Schuette, Ket’s cusin has been diagnosed with colon cancer
  • Stephanie Blair, in a wheel chair on oxygen and has painful neuropathy.
  • Linda Daniels at Eden Care due to stroke.
  • Alberta Ringering, Diane Rinkel’s mom in Hospice care.
  • Nadeen Schuette, praying for a successful clinical trial treatment for the cancer.
  • Tom Gain’s friend Ross Besch needs prayers that he will be able to walk again.
  • Brody Sedlacek, 8 year old in cancer treatment
  • Dustin Bilderback’s sister who is in treatment for cancer
  • Jane Hyten who is in late stage MSA asking for God’s peace

God we lift all these people on our prayer list to you because you are the perfect healer. We ask that you open their hearts to your word, your truth, your love and your ability to change things in their lives, and for this we praise you!

Praise Community Fellowship is a very Joyful, Prayerful church! We meet Sunday mornings at 10:30am at the Esic Worship Center located at 1000 University Drive Edwardsville near the old YMCA . We believe in teaching all of God’s truth with love and compassion. PCF is a 100% volunteer church. Come be part of a Joyful Christian Family. We have a Sunday school program and a nursery for the little ones. If you have questions call Pastor Kent @ 618-334-3575 or our board president Gary Watson @ 409-781-6510.